Chapter three

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  I packed up my suitcase, which included nothing but my diary. I wore my same old brown, dirty clothes and broken shoes. I walked out my door with Chrissy and Kimmy by my side.

  "Wow, you actually have something to bring?"

  I paused. "I guessed you would have something from your parents."

  "Never knew mine." Kimmy said.

  "Neither did I, but you knew that, didn't you Juliet?"

  "Yeah of course!" I said trying to pretend i didn't have horrible memory. "Now, our new parents are waiting for us."

  "Yeah! Oh, do you think we'll see a werewolf, I want to see one!"

  "Calm. Down. And, yes. I hear there common ." I keep on walking to the desk.

  "Are you ready to go?" the women asked us. I nodded and asked, "When do we leave?" "Now, if you want."

  "Lets go!" The three of us said in chorus.

  We all went outside to see a magic car. When we all got inside, it started up and went fast. real fast. When we stopped at some store, I saw Vampires, werewolfs, iops, elfs, gnomes, and many more creatures I heard about from eavesdropping on the mistress.

  "What are we doing here?" Kimmys comment interrupted me from my thoughts.

  "Buying you new clothes," she answered. We all were excited.  When we went inside it was packed with magics. We choose our new clothes.

  I got a white half shirt that said 'so adorbs' on it. I also got a black shirt to go under it along with it as well as black leggings with jewels at the ankles. my fire red hair with its nyan green streaks went along with it quite well. Oh! I also got a jean skirt and clack fur boots.

Chrissy got a multi-colored blouse, green booty shorts, and slip on shoes. She also got a black jacket with snowflake on it.

Kimmy just got a simple blue shirt with jeans and tennis shoes.

Then we went to a technology store and got the latest magi-phones. While I was there my eyes locked on a sweet pair of headphones.

"Nice!" I said as I looked toward them. They were black with flames crawling up the edges.

"Oh! Do you want those sweetie?" My new mother asked.


"Excuse me! Cashier sir! We would like these headphones!"

"Sorry, magics only."

Suddenly a women came in and everyone turned silent.

Only one person murmured. "The queen."

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