Chapter Ten

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I climbed out of the tunnel in my human form, not wanting to risk anyone seeing me. As I waited for my friends, I pulled out my magi-phone and texted mom, saying

"Missed last two classes. Left campus during lunch and couldn't make it back. Whoops (╯︵╰,)"

As Kimmy started to dangle and Chrissy landed, my phone vibrated.

"It's okay, mistakes happen. Next time, just call the limo service,"

Two seconds later she added; "(^ω^)"

Finally Kimmy made her way out and we pushed the door open blinking at the outside light I wasn't used to it after being in the cave all the sudden I saw the valley girl from earlier and scowled.

"What do you want?" I said, acting nonchalant. She smirked.

"Oh well, I just wanted to pay my favorite hybrids a visit," then all of a sudden she pulled out a photo of us in our hybrid form climbing into the tunnel.

"H-how did you-" I started but a single glare from her set me up.

"Now as long as I have this picture of you I want you to do my bidding," she said, smiling at our shocked faces.

I frowned, not knowing what, to do, then slowly nodded.

" Good, our little game starts tomorrow." She walked out the door with a contented expression on her face.

I sighed. "Come on, moms limo is probably waiting."

We walked out in stunned silence, almost unable to take mom's cheery face as she pulled us into the vehicle.

"Oh, my darlings! How was school today sweethearts?!"

"Um..." I started , but Chrissy interrupted me.

"Oh it was amazing! We made a new friend, her name is Sophie, and we helped her beat up this girl, um... We actually don't know her name, but it was fun. Anyway, they were being mean to us and Sophie, so we kicked there behind, and there was a lot of blood, hehe, in conclusion, it was all fun,"

"Actually, that girl was only mean to us, she invited Sophie to her table," Kimmy added.

"Still she was being a big meanie to us!" Chrissy said with glare.

"Err, very nice girls, but... Maybe next time do it.... Without a fight?"

"Awwww, okay,"

"Um, is this the way home?" I said, fighting the carsickness that was stirring in my stomach.

"Oh, well I thought we could go get ice cream first," mother pointed at the building the driver was pulling up to.

"Ice cream? What's ice cream?" Chrissy asked.

Mom looked at her like she had grown another head. "Have you never had ice cream before?!"

"Um, no. That why I asked what it was silly!"

"Oh, I can't wait to see your faces! Ice cream is delicious!" Goddesses! Even her eye sparkles were sparkling!

We got out of the limo and walked into the... What did she call it, a... parlor? Ah, yes. The ice cream parlor. I saw a few people licking a soft looking substances out of cones.

As I scanned the crowd I saw a very familiar set of eyes.

A blue eye and a purple, swelling, blob for another one, to be exact.

Along with blond hair, a devilish grin, and our biggest secret, the girl was clearly glad we showed up here.

She took a step forward​, but the moment mom walked in she froze and scurried back to her group, whispering quickly to her friends.

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