Chapter Seven

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  I got up and got Chrissy's attention, Kimmy was already standing up ready to go. As we walked out Sophie power-walked up to us.

  "Which class do you have first?" She said as she fell into a steady rhythm.

  "Oh, um..." I quickly checked the schedule. "Math, in Mr. Glenns room,"

  "I have Mr. Glenn too! What about you guys?" She said as she looked over to Chrissy and Kimmy

  "I have the same class!" Chrissy coed, as Kimmy shook her head, "Sorry guys, I've got gym."

  A girl with long blond hair and angelic blue eyes stopped in front of us, an entourage close behind her. "Who. Are. You." it wasn't a question. I immediately recognized this girl as the alpha and realized in her eyes I was an omega, which irked me.

  I was about to say something when Sophie snarled "Get away from here, princess." Chrissy flinched at this, and the girl rolled her eyes. Flipping her hair she gave Sophie a questioning look "Why do you," she jabbed her finger at Sophie "Hang out with those bottom feeders when I have repeatedly told you, you can sit with me?" Sophie was about to say something when I held up my arm "It was us she confronted first, I'll deal with her," Sophie nodded.

  " Well, hot shot, I would say it's because it's her choice, and if I was her, I would stay away from you as well. Now, back to us. I don't think you understand how we prefer to be treated. It may be a shock to your pea sized brain, but you AREN'T in charge of everyone, k sweetheart?" I let my eyes get their dagger look, and I saw her flinch.

  "Jack, deal with these," she pointed with disgust "newcomers and catch up with me later. Ta ta!" suddenly Sophie was in front of the blond and she slugged her in the face, getting blood on her knuckles. I watched with shock as she calmly licked the blood off her hand, rolling her eyes in ecstasy, and gave us a wicked grin. "I've been wanting to do that for a while,"

  My shock passed as I remembered Jackson standing there. He got ready to punch me and I let him swing, only to dodge and grab his arm to flip him over. It was obvious he wasn't getting up for a while. I noticed that most of the group had run  away, the only ones left a few girls asking blondie if she was okay in cliché valley girl accents.

  Sophie looked like she could barely control herself as she stared at the blood on the floor longingly, then took a finger and dipped it in the blood. She popped the finger in her mouth and smiled. I couldn't help but notice fangs grow and her pupils elongate before she quickly smothered the smile and went back to normal. She walked over to The blond and whispered something in the girl's ear, then kicked her and walked towards Mr. Glenn's class.

Mr. Glenn's class turned out to be Pre-Algebra, and it was torture. I was sitting next to Sophie and Chrissy, and was eager to talk to Sophie about what had happened. As soon as I started to ask her, she raised her hand and asked to go to the nurse, stranding me in math while Chrissy was sleeping on my left. Mr. Glenn was a little funny, but the class was long and boring. When the bell finally rung, I continued to Spanish with Mrs. Serves, and then went to lunch.

"Hey Kimmy you seen Sophie since this morning?" Kimmy nodded "I saw her in Choir, but she went home." I cursed and crammed more pizza in my mouth "Oh goddesses, help us" Chrissy stated and glanced over my shoulder, pointing behind me. "Look, little pig, eating like one too." I heard blondie say, my mouth to full of food to respond. I turned just in time to see her back up and walk away, looking over my head at something "Come with me, and hurry" I heard Sophie's voice from behind me, and turned once more, only to see her walking away towards the hallway. "I guess we follow then." I glanced at Chrissy and Kimmy and then threw away my lunch tray,(keeping an apple) taking long strides towards the door.

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