Chapter 3

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the picture above was the casted vote James, my younger brother and I have voted on, so sorry, oh his acting name is Jamie Campbell Bower

(Johns POV)

I see Alex walk up on the porch, he is sweating must of gone for a run. Helen goes out and gives him a drink of bottle of water. I look at him he has blond hair that is wet with sweat and his blue eyes are serious but still cold. "Hey Ian! I got something for you and John and mom" I hear he didn't say dad.

Maybe it's about I be nice to my one and only son. I walk over and give him a hug, I feel him stiffen up in my arms and go tense. "Aw~ so cute!" I heard Ian say with a grin and my wife takes a photo.

Soon it is super time, the doorbell rings. "I got it" Alex says and gets up and answers it.

(Alex's P.O.V.)

What the fuck? How the hell is Yassen Gregorovich here? I think as I see him as I open the door.

"Hello Little Alex" he says and stays out the door. "What the hell are you doing here Yassen?" I demand. He looks at me for a moment. "You do not know why they sent you to your family?" he asks with a small nod to himself.

" Whos at the door Al?" I hear Ian ask.

I have an evil smirk on my face but as usual my face is to serious. "Your killer!" I hear the chair fall to the ground and someone most likely Ian run up to the toilet.

THE ALEX RIDER I KNEWWhere stories live. Discover now