chapter 15

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Chapter 15

A/n: okay this is like a memory thing and it won't have to do with the story yet… until chapter 16

The railway was full and Dominika stood next to her father and smiled, she loved him, but it was hard to when he was always gone on jobs around the world so she stayed home. Father said it was too dangerous.

Not that she cared she did dangerous stuff all the time.

Like: scuba dive without a partner, jump off the cliffs knife in hand and through it at a target. But those were little kid stuff compared to her father.

"Domi, Come on in! It's getting cold!" yelled the nanny with a yell of confirmation the little blond ran inside shaking snow off he hair and eyelashes.

The food was hot and rye freshly made and salt on the side.

"SpasIbo" she said and scarfed the rest down.

A/n: sorry it is short not very good at long chapters so deal with me kay? Anyways I am going to stop updating during the summer too busy though I should be free.

Well tell me if I should end it here and start anew one but that might be difficult. But I am willing to try.

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