Chapter 13 and 14

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Chapter 13

It had been three weeks since John had seen his nephew and student. They walked in the house in Chelsea and said there greetings and they and Ian started to play poker.

John p.o.v

Alex came up to me and stared into my blue eyes and said the words I wanted to hear: 'I still love you'. He walked away and Dominika ran down the stairs and saw Yassen and started to scream, I picked the yellow eyed girl up and tried to sooth her.

Yassen looked up.

She stood there looking at the voice familiar. "No!" tears falling down as she remembered him.

"It's you!" she yelled in Russian and clawed at my 'son', well I think of Yassen as my son...

"Little one stop it," he said and Alex looked down.

"Explain!" I yelled

A/N: that was short but all I could think of, there will be more.

Chapter 14

"EXPLAIN!" I yelled and his eyes went to mine, they were old and tired.

"Am ucis tatăl ei a fost un assignment pentru Scorpia și a trebuit să . Nu știam că ai o adopte! I am pare rău John, sper you pot ierta... Dar dacă nu, am înțeles ."

(I killed her father it was an assignment for Scorpia and I had to. I didn't know you'd adopt her! I am so sorry John; I hope you can forgive... But if not, I understand.")

Alex looks up and smiles sadly and pulls Yassen and out the door and I don't see them for another 3 weeks.

= line break =

Ben stood across from Alex and the look in his eyes said: chose now.

"Alex. I am glad to see you" he says and they sit in the restraunt.

"Yeah dad wanted me not to see you, since well... yeah so I need you to get gadgets for me from mi6, I don't want to go in there just now." Alex said and looked up from his lashes.

"Yeah Derek likes you so it should be easy."

"Thanks mate." A genuine smile filled the spies face, and he saw a movement near the door, Yassen Gregorovich stood there.

A/N: done this one too! Maybe more today

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