Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Alex walked in and sat at his desk and stared at the photo of his real dad, and the rest of Scorpia, not sure why the man had kept it but it was nice to know the man was human as much.

Getting out his journal Alex took a pen out and started to write for the first time in many days.

February 13th 2015

Today I learned that I am not John Rider's son, but in fact he is my uncle, and that Yassen Gregorovich is my real father. How do you love your father when he never said those special words I have died to hear for the first time in my life?

'I love you'

That is all I want to hear. Yet I am truly alone, my mum a cheater, father an assassin, my uncle's working as spies under the cover of working as bank managers. Me a spy, I don't know I am one freaking weird teenager.

'I love you'

I thought of suicide and I know it is a coward's way out, but it is the better way than I have been offered. Maybe I will go back to cutting?

I... I am so lost.

'I love you'

My father when I was fourteen he pushed me into a bull ring, I pointed a gun at him, ne sent me to Scorpia, I failed him, I got shot.

'I love you'

Who am I?

Alexander Jonathan Hunter Rider?


Alexei Jonathan Hunter Gregorovich?

'I love you'

I can't do this.....

'I love you'

Alex Rider/Gregorovich

Russia Moscow

Yassen's p.o.v

I heard the front door open and saw Alex walk to his room and I stared at my hands. Cupboard shelves in his room banged open and then went silent, deciding to go see what is wrong after he hadn't come out and it was silent I stand.

A plain blue writing book lies at my son's side and a black pen clenched in his left hand, dried tears on his cheeks and eyes closed.

"I am sorry!"

Whispers my son in his sleep, His face in pain as the nightmares plague his dreams.

'He has too many morals. 'I think and watch as his sleeves go up and see freshly blood on scared wrists. My heart stops and blood pools and soaks the sheets.

"Alex!" I gasp and grab the medical kit and wash his arms, he wakes as I apply the andesitic.

"I am sorry!" he yelps and pushes into my arms around his body.

And tears rack his body and I simply hold my son.

A/N: Yeah! I did another!

THE ALEX RIDER I KNEWKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat