Chapter 2- The Amazing Mumbo

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While Raven continues to search higher above the buildings, scanning the more open areas of the street, I jumped from rooftop to rooftop, looking down in alleyways and more smaller crevices that could hide anybody.

"Any sign of him?" Raven asked over the communicator. "I've got nothing from the sky."

I gave a sarcastic snort. "Yeah, I found him hiding in a box 5 minutes ago and just didn't tell you!" It got frustrating, being asked the same question 3,000 times. "If I had seen something, I would have told you."

Cyborg, Robin, Beastboy, and Starfire showed up a few minutes ago and were now searching the backstreets, while me and Raven were in charge of the sides of Main Street.

"Should I go into the open?" I ask. "This magician character hasn't seen me before, I don't think."

"Not a good idea." Robin says. "He's been known to pull some crazy tricks in the past, it's best if you wait for us before engaging."

I had just hung up the communicator when I heard a loud crash and the sudden blasting of car horns from the streets. Dust soon rose up above some rooftops, like something just crashed into a brick wall on Mainstreet.

We met up in the ally's, then cautiously made our way into the streets where a crowd of people had gathered around a bus that had flipped onto its side. No one seemed to pay attention to us when we came into view, which was strange because I usually got a few boos in the crowd almost every time I came out in public. I wasn't what you would call a fan favorite.

"What going on?" Beastboy asked after he changed from his form as a hawk. He cups his hands around his mouth to shout something. "Hey! Is there anyone..."

I wrap my tail around his head, making him shut up before he could draw too much attention to us. "Will you stop yelling!" I hiss in his ear. "You wanna attract every villain in the city!"

It was too late. The crowd suddenly parts to the side as a tall, slim man in a tuxedo steps out into view. The top hat on his head and the magic wand he twirled between his fingers told me that must been Mumbo, the famous magician.

"Greetings Titans!" He called as we all rush into our attack positions. "I was afraid you had forgotten about me."

"We would never forget about you." Robin hisses through his teeth. "Now what is to you want here?"

I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Seriously Robin?" I mutter beside him. "You expect him to just tell you his plans? Very smart."

Mumbo makes a sudden move toward the group and they all seemed to jump backwards, accept me, who stayed firmly planted where I was. As I expected, the teal skinned creep just stood in front of me as I curl my lips into a snarl. "I happened to overhear that this team had a new member." He said. "I just didn't expect it to be a dog."

I draw back my head. "And I didn't expect our crime alert to bring us to a beanpole in a hat. The world is full of disappointment."

I hear hive give a deep throaty chuckle. "I've never met a Titan with a sense of humor like yours." He taps his foot on the ground to an annoying beat. "This shall be interesting."

"I'm not one for just getting the job over with, I like to have my fun." A smirk crawls on my face. "Besides, talking eases the tension."

His eyes narrowed suspiciously, but he still didn't make another move. "I see you're a brave one, girly, but why not just attack me now while I'm standing here? Why waste your breath talking to me?"

"I have a hunch you would just be a waste of my time." I say. "But that doesn't mean that you can't make the first move."

"Averi." I hear Robins warning voice in my ear. "Fighting is one thing you don't need your mouth for."

I wanted to facepalm right in front of Mumbo. Werewolves would be trying to figure out how to take him down while I had him distracted, but no! The humans were waiting for me to get the job done myself, as if I've had years of experience and actually know what I'm doing.

"Your teammates right, my dear. I shouldn't be keeping you waiting." He begins to back away, and before I can find the chance to lunge, he flicks his wand in the air and disappears in a cloud of smoke.

The people around us, already frightened as it is, began running in every direction. They just now realized this guy was dangerous, Fenris these humans are slow!

We search around the streets for Mumbo, and finally we see another smoke cloud on top of the sideways bus. He appears as quickly as he disappeared, but unlike earlier, he waste no time in attacking. With a wave of his wand, he begins this swirling motion above his hat, and suddenly he sends a swarm of what looked like birds toward us, and they flock around the group like we were their prey.

"How the hell did he do that?" I shout, swinging my paw through the air and slapping one white bird after the other.

"He's a magician, his hat is as big can fit anything inside of it!" Cyborg had his sonic cannon out and was blasting the feathered demons. "Whatever you do, don't get too close or he can suck you in."

"Wouldn't dream of it!" I change to my human and hold my hands above my head, a black glow surging through my skin as I clenched my fists. I really hated to do this.

Closing my eyes tightly, I open my fingers in one fluid motion, and a burning jolt of energy shoots outward. In second, the birds were burnt to ashes and raining down on us, a few white feathers covering our clothes.

"Way to go, A!" Robin cheers as he dusts off and unsheathed a birdarang from his belt.

I glance beside me as I hear somebody moaning, and almost choked from laughter when I seen Beastboy on his knees and clutching his stomach. "That was the sickest thing I had ever seen." He coughed.

I laugh. "Suck it up and stand like a man. Your an embarrassment."

He seemed to take it as a joke and quickly rises to his feet. I wanted to let him know that I was not actually being funny but I just shrugged it off as I seen Mumbo reach into his hat again. I flinched, expecting him to throw some magic cards in our direction, but his hand came out empty.

He places the hat back on his head before saying anything. "Thought I had something else planned for you." He chuckled. "It's just too easy to scare you heroes."

I opened my mouth to respond, but I was suddenly blinded by a bright light that illuminates from his wand. I felt a strong force pushing me backwards but I still managed to take a few steps forward until finally collapsing under the insane pull.

My limbs began to feel as if 4 Hellhounds had grabbed ahold of my hands and feet and just began to pull in separate directions. I bit my tongue to hold back a yelp of pain, no way was I going to let everybody know that the greatest fighter on this team was hurting.

Just when it almost became unbearable, a strange sensation came over my body and it felt like I had entered a whole new world. My vision begins to blur and after a few seconds, fades to blackness, leaving me floating through a blank universe of pain free nothingness.

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