Chapter 4- Changes

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A WAREHOUSE? Robin seriously sent us too a warehouse to practice! What in Fenris name was he thinking, how can we get a handle on ourselves when we are in a rustic, torn down building that could collapse at any given moment.

"This will just have to do for now." Robin mumbles to himself as he scans the inside, running his eyes over the dozens of boxes that were stacked against the walls.

I scoff. "Yeah sure, Wonder Boy. With all the power surges, this place could just fall right to the ground, it doesn't look very stable of you ask me."

"Will you stop worrying!" Cyborg grumbles. "This building is built with the best steel beams in the city, it can withstand a hurricane!"

I clench my hands into fists. "Ok it's got that going for it, but what about Mumbo! How is a warehouse like this going to hide us!"

Robin seemed all to ready to answer this question. "Because it's off the grid. There is no data of this place on any map or GPS, making the perfect hide out. I found out when I noticed criminals always coming here, and it just became our secret hide away in extreme situations."

With that, no one else tried to argue. We all split up into our own little corners to try out our new powers, and it started out... well... not so great.

"You must try to feel the joy." Starfire instructs. "If you wish to fly then you must think of something happy."

"Happy." I repeated, more sarcastically then I had intended. "Because that's a topic I know much about!"

"Please friend, just try." She places both of her hands on my shoulders as I close my eyes and searched every corner of my mind for a joyful memory.

I began thinking about my home, the Carving with my friends in the morning, when I would steal breakfast for us to eat. I also remembered when I would sneak away at night to go to parties at the moonlight Caverns, the ones my father forbade me to attend because he was just that big of an asshole.

The Full Moon Games were the best memories I had, because usually I was top dog in those events. The flying obstacle courses were my most favorite, that's when you get to show off your best moves and hear the audience chanting your name. I guess that's kind of when everyone forgot that they were from different packs, and just came together for some friendly competition. I mean, I know I care the most about pack boundaries and stuff, but it was still fun for forget that once and a while, to just have some fun...

"Your flying!" I was brought back to reality by Starfire's shriek. "Very good, my friend!"

I slowly open my eyes and see the floor a few feet below me, and my feet dangling in the air. It felt very different, flying without wings. It was almost like gravity had shut off just for you and allowed you to just roam aimlessly without anything to hold you down.

Cautiously, I attempt to move forward, but end up failing when I shoot straight into the wall. "Ow." I mutter sarcastically as I push off again with my arms. "I think I messed up there."

I wasn't doing to good, but at least I wasn't a big of a fail as Raven. She was trying her hardest to get the hang of my wings, flapping them and moving around at the same time seemed the most difficult at the moment.

As she scrambled onto her feet again after her latest attempt, she brushes herself off and just plops down on a box, refusing to get back up. "This is impossible!" She exclaims. "How are we supposed to learn how to fight in the time we have!"

"We won't." I reply bluntly, floating back down to the ground. "We can't even learn how to use these bodies, let alone fight in them!"

"Please, we must keep up hope." Star begged as she began pacing in front of us. "If we can't defeat the Mumbo, then we will never switch back into our bodies, and the we will be stuck like this forever!"

I put my hands in my hips. "Great pep talk Star, really put us in the mood." Not even bothering to give her an eye roll, I just hold my head in my hands. "I can't believe I let myself think I was actually able to handle this."

I was grateful that I didn't say it loud enough for them to hear. "What was that?" Raven asked, looking up at me.

I played it casual by shrugging. "Nothing, let's just get back to practicing."

It never got any better. All I had learned was what it took to actually make her powers work. You needed joy to fly, anger for Starbolts, and confidence for strength, and it was a little easier said than done.

I had gotten flying down to where I could actually maneuver like I would have with my wings, but the Starbolts and strength never came to me. I thought anger would be my specialty, boy was I wrong.

"Can you not think of anything that puts you in rage?" Starfire asked as I held my hands to my forehead, trying my best to calm down.

"Yeah sure Star, blame me!" I snapped. "I feel rage every second of every day, so I guess it's become a normal feeling in my body!"

My mind was getting flustered. How in the hell was I supposed to learn how to control this swamp of an emotional pit, when I could barely control my own body. No matter how much I hated to admit it, my demon actually helped center the emotions and kind of make the decision for me, and now Raven was stuck with it. She seemed to be doing fine, considering she was a demon herself.

Rage bubbled inside of my stomach. Boy was Mumbo in for it, because when I got my claws on him, he would not walk out of this alive. I swear to Fenris...

I felt a strong blast suddenly from my hands as a green light shot past my cheek and into the ceiling above my head. It felt like a shocking feeling inside my whole body, a feeling that I truly hated. "What. Was. That?" I turn toward Starfire, who was clapping at my so called achievement.

"I knew you could do it." She cheered. "Now you just have to practice the strength."

My eyes flared as I fought to get my emotions under control. "I'm not going to practice strength! I never even want to experience the Starbolts again, that was the worst feeling I've ever felt!"

She realized I was panicked. "It is ok, my friend. They can have a strong feeling at first, it's normal to be overwhelmed."

"Oh yeah, thanks for telling me!" I snap, a little rougher than I had intended. "I'm sorry if I'm acting like an over dramatic child, but I've never had to actually open myself to my stupid powers."

I turn to stomp away, but was skidded to a haunted when she reaches out to grab my wrist. "But you have almost got it!" Her voice was like a knife in my head. "Please, just keep trying!"

Even though I knew I didn't have my fangs, I still drew my lips back into what would have been a snarl. "Let go of me!" I snatch my hand out of her strong metal grip, making her jump backwards in fear. "Now just leave me alone!"

I turn on my heels with a snobbish hair flip and fly upward toward the roof. It was already starting to get dark outside, but I guess that had something to do with the strong overcast it was that day. I just stand on the edge and look around at the tall buildings that surrounded us, trying to just get a grip on myself and kicking my subconscious for actually flipping out. Now they think I'm some deranged Barbie who can't handle things being a little different!

Way to go Averiell.

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