Chapter 3- Each Others Shoes

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I was finally able to regain consciousness, rising to a sitting position only to be pushed back down as a bone crushing pain shoots through my back and up to my head. I tried my best to not panic as I felt around the space where I lay, discovering that I was on the pavement of a street.

Opening my eyes, I see the tall buildings of the abandoned part of the city, their walls dotted with holes and loud groans echoing from their fragile structures. The pain had disappeared and I was finally able to sit upward and get a better look of the part of town we were in.

Defiantly the lower part of town. I could see the run down street stores and filthy roads as paper blown in the wind from one side to the other. Usually there would be people around, not the best kind, but still people. The sidewalks remained bare, lacking any sign of humans or anything living at all.

I take my hands and run them through my hair, hoping it didn't look to bad after that terrible experience I just endured.

Yep. It was still the beautiful red it always was. Wait...


I frantically grab my hair and hold it out in front of me, then let out a high pitched scream that I had never done before. My hair was red! I look down at my clothes and see the bright purple skirt and silver lining, along with the evens tones sitting on my belt and hands.

"What the hell is going on!" I scream as loudly as I could.

I hear moans coming from around me and I turn to see the other Titans, also coming back to reality and trying to grasp what had happened.

"My head is screaming!" I heard Beastboy exclaim, but was suddenly confused when it came from Raven's body. She was rubbing her temple, but then her eyes grew wide as she drew backwards and scrambled onto her knees. "Dude! What is happening!"

It was Beastboys voice! Why was his voice coming from Raven's body? It shocked me, how long it took to actually put these pieces together. But that's impossible, you can't be put in somebody else's body, could you?

My question was soon answered when I almost had a heart attack at the sight of my own body lying on the ground next to me. My... or... her blue eyes flew open as she leaps to her feet, probably ignoring the pain that exploded through her body. "What is happening!" I... I mean... she shouts, and I instantly recognized that deep, raspy, emotionless voice. Raven.

"Oh my Fenris, your inside my body!" I shout, running to her side. "How the hell are you inside of my body?"

She looked as if she was going to pass out. "I... I'm fine." She surely didn't sound like it. "Just explain to me what's going on, Star."

I shook my head frantically. "I'm not Starfire! I'm Averi!"

It took her a moment, but she finally seemed to understand. "Wait what?"

I let out. Frustrated groan. "We are inside each other's bodies! Somebody change us back!"

"Averi, we have to stay calm!" Robin says, sounding a freaked out himself. His voice was coming from Beastboy's body, and I couldn't even imagine how uncomfortable it was for him being inside that green goblin. "Trust me, we have been through so much worse than this."

"How are we going to get back?" Cyborgs voice blasted from Robin's tiny frame of a body and almost made me laugh. I would have if I wasn't so busy trying to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest.

I scanned the small circle we had formed and seen Cyborgs body on the opposite side of Robins, and just by the way he was standing, I could easily tell that was Starfire inside of him. "I am wondering how the Mumbo was able to switch us like he did." She pointed out. "I do not remember him being this powerful."

"Well he did turn us into animals and trap us inside his stupid hat one time." Raven grumbled as she messed with my crop top, which I could clearly tell, annoyed her by how revealing it was.

I huff. "Can you just stand still Rave, it's not that bad!"

She looks up to glare at me. "Well you Werewolves aren't the most modest things existing. You show more skin than Starfire!"

"We have reasons for that." I argue. "If it's so annoying that just get your damn cloak!"

Beastboy then grabbed her blue cloak and wrapped it tightly around his body. "This matches my outfit! You can't take it!"

"You better give me my cloak, you little grass stain!" She exclaims, lunging toward him. "This body comes with more tricks than you know of!"

Robin suddenly jumps in between the quarreling teammates and pushes them away from each other. "This is not the time to fall apart! We have to sort this out!"

"We've switched bodies, how much more do you need!" I growl, crossing my arms.

"We need to figure out how to switch back!" He replies. "Mumbo has learned a few new tricks, and we're stuck inside each other with no knowledge on how to work the bodies or powers."

"Do we even have the powers?" Raven asked, staring down at her hands.

To answer her question, Beastboy begins waving his hands in the air and chanting that strange line that Raven always did. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" He throws himself forward and a strong blasts radiates from a car, sending it flying through the air.

Raven turns and sends a glare toward him. "Can you not do that! My powers aren't to be tampered with."

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go find Mumbo before Beastboy can blow anything else up." I begin to head down the street, not even caring if I was going to wrong way. "You guys can stand round and talk about it, but I'm ready to get back into my own body! Hell, why doesn't Raven just zap us back to normal with her weird powers?"

"You have Black Magic!" She fires back. "And I believe you have the same reason as me for not being able to, I don't know that kind of magic yet."

I scoffed as I threw my hands in the air. "It's not my fault, I've never been in a situation like this!"

I suddenly felt Robins hand on my shoulder trying to calm me. "Well your with us now, so your just gonna have to get use to things being a little different."

I just slapped his hand away. "Yeah, a little different." I mocked. "In case you haven't realized, I come from a place where there are barely a handful of supers! Excuse me if I'm being over dramatic, but this is just not a field I specialize in!"

"Listen, we don't have time for Werewolf fun facts." Cyborg exclaims. "We have to get out of the open before that whack job can figure out where we are and find a place to hide out for a little while."

"Oh, where do you suggest we go, Robo?" I ask, gesturing to where we were. "That creep probably has his eye on every corner of the city, and we can't go back to the tower, that's the first place he would suspect! Where could we possibly go that he would never think to look?"

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