Chaper 7- Finally Defeated

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I flew next to Raven, Beastboy, and Robin as Cyborg and Starfire were stuck in the car. We headed down the backstreets toward the center of town I hopes of running into our target, who was nowhere to be found.

"Do you think he just left?" Beastboy asked, coming out of an alleyway.

Robin was using his communicator to scan the ground more closely, but he was having no luck. "Mumbo would never back out of a fight, especially when he did this to us."

"Maybe we scared him off." I quipped. "That son of a bitch could be cowering in a box on the street and we'd never know it."

Robin opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a sudden blast that came from the street a few blocks down. It was like a while beam that shot up from the ground, and it was clear to see who it belonged to.

"Hey guys." I joke, crossing my arms. "Just a hunch, but I think he's down there."

Without even shooting a comment back, such bores, they take off to the car which was already racing down the roads to the source of the blast. Cyborg, or short in Robins body, struggled to steer the car since the seat was fixed for someone taller. He could barely see above the wheel.

I fly down and land on top of the car, crouching to stay on. "Don't scuff the hood!" Cyborg shouts up to me from the drivers window. "If you fall off, it's not gonna be my fault."

"If I die, I'll die happy!" His eyes narrowed as I shot the reply at him. "Stop fretting Robo, you should be more worried about that wall you're about to hit."

He thought I was joking before he actually turned and almost wet himself while trying to steer clear of the side of a building. I collapsed in laughter as I clung to the top, my super strength actually coming in handy.

We turn onto the street, and sure enough, there was Mumbo standing on top of a car with his glowing magic wand. The place was in chaos, almost every car was in the air floating, and things were coming out of his hat faster than you could blink.

"We have to shut off the wand!" Robin demands as he lands next to the car, changing out of his bird form.

I jump down onto my feet as Star and Cyborg opened their doors. "That sounds easier than it looks." Cyborg said, sounding a little panicked.

I just wave my hands in the air. "I'm getting my body back one way or another, so if you don't want to become scrap metal, I suggest you fight!"

He shrunk away at my rising voice. "Ok, ok. I never said I wasn't."

I give him a wide grin as Robin begins to approach Mumbo. The creep turns around and catches sight of him, but Robin was just greeted with laughter. "I guess were playing, guess which Titan is in the body!"

"It's over Mumbo, your games are over." He shouts, making me just roll my eyes. Stop with the stupid one liners Wonder Boy, we got a battle to win!

"It's Robin, I can tell by the voice!" Mumbo jeers, dancing around on the hood of the car. "Who's next? Who's next?"

"Me!" I fly forward to where I was just a few steps in front of Robin. "Can you guess who I am?"

Surprisingly, it stumped him. "Well, you're not Starfire. The tone of voice is way to deep." What was that suppose to mean? "Since I can't identify it, I'm going to go with the newest Titan, you know the big dog!"

I clenched my hands into fists. "This creep is in for it now."

I lunge forward before Robin could have a chance to stop me. "Averi, wait!" I heard him call, but I just ignore him as I rush toward the car.

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