Chapter 9- Broken

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We drove back to the tower after we got done with the police, explaining what happened with Mumbo. It was clear to see that I had a strong reputation between the cops, shown by the angry glares that I was given. It was cute, how they thought they were better than us even though we did most of the crime fighting.

I flew above the car, still refusing to get inside of that extremely cramped area. Come on, I've said it enough times, I hate small spaces. That's another story for another time.

I seen Robins elbow stitching out the side of the car as he propped his head up on the window sill, staring out into nothingness. He still hadn't looked me in the eyes since our little head butting tournament, and I wondered if what I said finally got to him. Is this finally the day when he kicks me off the team? Paws crossed!

When we got into the garage, everybody piled out and headed up the stairs toward the living room. I found myself lagging behind, still next to the car as the others disappeared through the door.

"Averi." I jump as I hear Robin's voice behind me. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

I turn to face him, my arms crossed. Let's just get this over with so I can be on my way home. "Go ahead, say it. You're done with me, right? You've finally realized I'm a lost cause?"

He actually looked baffled. "Where did that come from?" He asked. "I already told you, we're not giving up, no matter how hard we push."

I frown at him, my arms slumping to my side again. Way to crush my dreams, Wonder Boy.

He comes closer and tries to set his hand on my shoulder, but I stubbornly pull away. "Then why have you been ignoring me? After I said that stuff, I could have swore that you had finally threw down the white flag."

He was trying not to laugh, which made me even more annoyed. "I am not repeating myself again, I care to much to give up on you think quickly. You have come to far to quit."

I roll my eyes, trying to fight a smile. "Here you go again, talking to me like you're my big brother, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were the reincarnation of Marcus."

He shrugs. "That's what I'm here for." I turns me around no I was forced to face him. "Averi, what you said just got me thinking, that's all. It helped me realize something."

I narrowed my eyes. "And what exactly is that?"

He was very hesitant to reply. "Your right." He began. "We did take you from your home, even if it was under Shamons orders. We are the heroes, and even thought we want to do everything to help people, we can't just keep them hostage like prisoners."

My eyes widened. "What are you saying, Wonder Boy?"

"I'm saying that you can leave whenever you want." He said the words almost too fast for me to keep up with. "We have no right to keep you in this tower or tell you want to do. If you want us to take you home, then say the word and we can leave tomorrow."

I expected those words to be the best thing to ever hear in my entire life, but it was only when this dead weight settled in my gut that I realized it was more a curse than blessing. I should have opened my mouth the instant I said if and demanded to leave tonight, but I didn't.

I couldn't leave. Shamon would I'll me, my brothers would kill me, and my friends would probably eat the remains. They all expected so much, they all wanted this little setup to work. I couldn't just voluntarily go home, it's almost my duty to stay. Besides, if I was kicked out, then things would be differs. It would be my fault.

I just stared at a wall as Robin wanted for an answer. When I snapped back to reality, I just studied his face one last time before forcing a sharp smirk. "I'll keep that in mind a Wonder Boy, but I'm afraid that my fun is just beginning."

Without another word, I leave him alone in the garage, both of us having words hanging over our heads. I felt like slapping myself, I could have went home! I could have been on the ship right now, flying back to my planet and to my friends, but my dumbass self had to listen to my damn insides and stay!

My reasons made sense though. If it was ever going to have a chance of leaving this planet and living when I got home, I was going to have to break the Wonder Boy once and for all. I swear to Fenris, when I get done with this, he will regret the day he ever brought his team to my planet.

He messed with the wrong Werewolf...

Teen Titans: Wolves Of a Feather 3--- Teen Titans FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ