Chapter 6- Going To Be Good

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Averi's P.O.V

A few more hours past, and my eyes were drooping from exhaustion. After the talk with Robin, I was actually able to gather myself enough to focus on my emotions.

In the end, I managed to learn both strength, and Starbolts, or just manage to use and control the the best I could. "That is all you would need to know to just win a fight." Star had said before walking over to Cyborg for help on her body. At first, she had been hesitation with working with me again, but after a few minutes, all was forgiven and it just fell back to normal.

I was with Raven now, finishing up the current lesson. "The more energy you gather in your hands, the stronger the blast will be."

I was showing her the fireballs, and it was not going well. "It makes my whole arm fall asleep to where I can't even feel it anymore." She complained as she rubbed her fingers.

I roll my eyes. "You're not doing it right, you have to punch it straight upward and gather it in your palm." I demonstrate with my own hand. "Flex your fingers, but don't lock your elbow."

After doing. A few practice motions, she slowly lifts her hand that was now glowing black and grinds her teeth as she fought the pain. The fireball wasn't my favorite at first, because it literally felt like your whole hand was being stuck inside a fire pit, but she managed to ignore the feeling and gather enough energy for an actual ball.

Before she could give in, her jolts her arm forward and fires the ball into the stack of crates in front of us, shattering them to splinters. She looked very accomplished, but I fought to call it adorable that she actually thought that was a hard trick to learn. The only reason it took me so long to master it was because I was 6 when Shamon first showed it to me.

"Let's try flying again." She says, walking to the center of the room. "I still can't get the hang of it."

"Try it just like I told you before." I instruct. "Start slow, then speed up."

She opens my... I mean her... whoever the hell's wings and begins the flapping motion in a slow pace. She speeds up every few seconds and soon, she was lifting herself off the ground and into the air.

"Keep flapping, keep that pace!" I call up to her. "Whatever you do don't..."

Too late... I see Raven struggling to stay in the air and suddenly, she plummets to the ground and lands straight on her side.

"Get off beat..." I finish, struggling to hold back a laugh. "You would think a human like you could handle a pair of wings."

She stares daggers at me. "You would think that being in Starfire's body, you would learn to keep your opinions to yourself."

"In your dreams Rave." I snicker. "I will always be the awesome Werewolf I am, no matter what body I'm stuck in!"

"Sadly..." She adds as she lifts herself onto her feet again. She rubs the feather flat on her wings again and gets in position to try again.

The second time was worse than the first attempt. She still was managing to get offbeat while flapping and just drops from the air like a dead bird. It was easy to see that she was getting annoyed by my muffled howls as I attempted to hide how entertained I was in her failure.

"It would be nice if you would give some suggestions." She mutters to me as she stands up again. "And for the record, I see nothing funny about this."

"You may not but this is just hilarious to me." I covered my mouth to hide my chuckles. "There's really nothing else I can tell you, it just takes practice to get use to it."

"Well I don't have time to practice!" She roars, turning to face me.

I smirk. "Somebody's getting all worked up." She narrows her eyes at me as I just lean up front against the wall and begin to pace around the floor. "You just have to keep getting beat it until you are able to stay in the air."

Hesitantly, she just shrugs her irritability off and tries again, and this time, she didn't fail like before. She was able to keep a steady beat with the wings and stayed in the air for the whole time. "This isn't so bad!" She calls down to me as I give her a thumbs up.

"I told you!" I reply. "You just have to keep trying!"

10 minutes later, she was able to maneuver around the room with ease, after slamming into a wall the past thousand times. There would be some moments when her wing would clip a piece of wood or when she would knock over some crates, but overall she did very well for a beginner.

"I wish we could go outside." I lift upward and fly to her side. "It would be easier to teach you."

She shakes her head. "Robin says that we need to take sure we don't draw too much attention to ourselves."

As if I was on cue, I hear Robin's voice from the other side of the building. "Titans, gather over here for a minute!" He ordered, waving us over.

As we walk over, I seen Cyborg and Beastboy already behind him as he whispered a few words in their ears before turning to us. "After watching us practice." He begins. "I think we're ready to fight Mumbo."

Some looked baffled that he would even suggest such a thing but I just cracked my knuckles and pumped my fists in the air. "I'm ready Robin, let's go and kick some magic ass!" I wanted out of this body so badly, I would literally have done anything.

He gestures for me to settle down. "Before we go, we need a plan. He's more powerful than ever, so this won't be easy."

"I'm a Werewolf. We don't plan, we do." I smirked. "Volacians waste their time on plans and tactics, and I am no Volacian."

"Remind me to ask you what that is suppose to mean." Raven mutters. "Because it's just confusing."

"Titans, we need to focus." Robin urges, drawing us back in. "On Earth, we have to plan our fights because if we slip up on one thing, someone could get hurt."

I wanted to argue, but another thing we learned as a Werewolf was to never waste precious time in pointless things. I listened as Robin went our strategy, throwing in a few sarcastic comments every now and then before he finally gave the command to head for Main Street.

This was going to be good.

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