Chapter 5- Overwhelmed

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Robin's P.O.V

I had overheard the argument and after I got Star calmed down from Averi's sudden outburst, I head up to the roof to see how the black devil was doing. I don't actually mean that, but she has been getting a little out of hand these past few weeks.

I fly up through the hole to the roof in my hawk, glad that I was finally able to get a hang of these powers, and spotted Averi standing at the front of the building. She seemed to be cradling her head in her hands, muttering something under her breath as her grip tightened.

I begin to slowly approach, but come to a stop when I heard her voice. "Don't think I can't hear you Wonder Boy." Her voice seemed strained. "So stop trying to sneak up on me."

I hesitantly walk to her side and place my hand on her shoulder. "A, calm down." I say, keeping my voice steady. "What's going on? Are you ok?"

She had her eyes squeezed shut, but after a few moments she finally relaxed her muscles that were as tense as rocks. "I'm fine, I just needed some time alone." She glances over at me. "Hint, hint."

"Nice try." I say, making her narrow her eyes in annoyance. "I just thought you could need a brother right about now."

"Your not my brother." She snapped before turning away, crossing her arms and refusing to meet my gaze. "Shouldn't you be down there with your girlfriend and not up here with the one that barked at her. I am handle things on my own, I'm just not use to this kind of stuff on my planet, all the body switching and superpowers."

I didn't understand what she meant by that. Did she actually feel threatened? "You can talk to me you know, it's not like I'm gonna tell people you have a breaking point."

She suddenly goes tense again. "I don't have a breaking point!" She roars, swirling around to face me. "Just because I feel lost in this world doesn't mean I'm cracking!"

She froze right after she said it, and by the looks in her eyes, that was the last thing she wanted to come out of her mouth. "I... umm." She stuttered.

"You feel lost?" She had seemed fine to me, I never knew this was how she felt. "Why?"

She gave me a look that made me feel as if I should already know the answer. "I am a Werewolf in a world of humans, what would you expect?"

"It's more than that Averi." I could see that she wasn't telling the whole story. "Please, you can trust me."

She hesitated for a second. "It's complicated, Wonder Boy. I don't think you understand how hard it is to be raised in a world where you were the most powerful, then be sent to another where there are dozens of people just like you." She then looks over her shoulder at me. "It's not so easy, learning how to fight these people with insane powers when all your life you have been used to facing nothing but strength and stealth."

"Seriously?" I ask her, not fully believing what she was saying. "You kick butt like no one I've ever seen, but now your saying its overwhelming? Just stay whelmed, you have nothing I worry about."

"Oh but I do." She mumbles, barely even loud enough for me to hear. "Just try and hear me Robin, I have never faced someone else with magic like mine, let alone 10 different people!"

Her eyes were becoming a little scary to look at. They were flared and extremely dilated. "Your really beaten up about this." I whisper.

She throws her hands in the air. "Nah, ya think! You're a real detective Wonder Boy."

She was acting tough to mask her fear. "Stop with the act, ok! You're not fooling me, so just give it a rest. I've dealt with people like you before, and this is not new to me."

She bared her teeth at me, but then finally relaxed when she seen that I wasn't moved. Slowly, she lowers herself into a sitting position and swings her feet over the edge to where they were dangling in the air. "So what if I feel like I'm blending into the crowd? It shouldn't matter to me, I never even wanted to be here in the first place, so why should I care?"

I narrowed my eyes. "But you do."

I take a seat next to her as she just stares down at her hands. "It's not that I care to be here, it's just annoying when you are not only forced to do something you never wanted to do, but also have to learn new techniques to fighting people you think should be dead!"

"You know you shouldn't think like that." I warn. "But you never have acted like this before, with the Hive 5 or Doctor Light."

"Did any of them switch our bodies!" She hisses through her teeth. "How in hell have you dealt with this your whole life! I'm only use to fighting brute strength, but now I'm fighting these psycho super humans who seem to pretty much look through me!"

"I can promise you that you're not being ignored." I reassure, thinking back to all the news reports showing her fighting these criminals. They always found a way to get dirt on her and use it against us, and this was putting the team through the ringer. She was making her mark on this city, but in the wrong way. "I told you in the beginning. This wasn't going to be easy, but you will get the hang of it."

"It's been 3 weeks, Wonder Boy." She says kind of matter of factly. "I'm pretty sure that if I was a fan favorite, we would know by now."

She rises to stand, and I didn't even try to stop her. I was lucky that I even got her to talk to me, so I guessed that this was the time to shut up before I made her to angry and got a Starbold to the face.

She still refused to look my way. "I don't see why you keep trying Wonder Boy." She says in a bitter tone. "But one of these days you will see that is hopeless for me, mark my words."

"You say that out loud." I start, making her some to a stop in her tracks. "But deep down, you know that I will keep fighting. If you ever want me to stop, then you'll just have to kill me."

I expected her to whip around and threaten to end me like she always does, but she just glances over her shoulder and gives me a sky smirk. "I would expect nothing less from you Wonder Boy. I just hope you know what you're dealing with."

Again, she turns to leave, but I hear her mumble something under her breath before flying disappearing below the roof. "Some kids just have to learn the hard way."

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