The Nerds, The Preps And the Bullies

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Hannah's pov:
My first day of school is going so slow. I'm currently in History and I have gym next. I'm not that good at gym. We have about five minutes left of History. I'm sitting next to a girl with sandy blonde hair just like me. So far she's been pretty nice to me. Her name is Grace and I think her last name is Helbig. Yeah, that's it. She's very tall and wears glasses. She told me she likes to read and write. She honestly sounds like she has a bright future ahead of her. She has told me though that she gets bullied, people call her a nerd. How? She's very pretty and her hair frames her face perfectly. After gym she wants to meet me at the library to introduce me to some of her friends. This and meeting Ingrid has been the highlight of my day. Wait. Why did I think of Ingrid straight away. I'm straight and she's probably straight. I can't be gay. Can I?...

The bell calls for our next class....great...gym. I'm heading to the change rooms and I fall to the ground. I look up to see someone laughing and slowly pulling their foot back to their side. "How original" I say as I get up and brush myself off. A boy with black hair and slight stubble to his face is laughing. Then I see a familiar face rush over and tell him to stop.
"Chester stop!" It's Ingrid.

Chester doesn't say anything. He just grabs Ingrid and kisses her lips. As she is locked in the kiss, Ingrid waves her hand and signals me to go. She seems to be the preppy type. But she's nice. I don't know why she would be interested in Chester.

I finally reach the change rooms and it seems that everyone has already gotten changed and headed off to class except for Grace and a few of her friends. "Hey Grace" I say as I head to a corner to put my bag down.
"Hey Hannah. Meet Mamrie and Lilly" she says gesturing to a, slightly taller than me, red head. And the girl standing next to her who seems to be Indian with long dark brown hair. They're both very pretty.
"Hey I'm Hannah" I say, throwing a grin at them.

We hear someone walk into the change room and it's Ingrid. She looks at me and says "hey Grace, hey Mamrie, hey Lilly. Um can I talk to Hannah for a second?"
"Definitely" they all say in sync whilst heading out.
Ingrid sits down and pats the spot next to her. I sit down and keep my head down.
"Listen, I'm sorry about Chester. He can honestly be a dick sometimes...well...most of the time."
"No I'm used to it."
I see Ingrid start to tear up.
"Hannah I can't leave him. I'm too scared to. If I leave him, he'll kill me"
I awkwardly give her a hug.
"Hey, let's go to class" I say with a smile. I'm not very good at comforting people. I wish I was though.
In gym Ingrid and I just kept looking at each other. Am I gay? If I am...I like Ingrid. More than a friend. God all of this in one day? Ugh.
After gym Grace, Lilly, Mamrie and I sit at the library. About 4 minutes into lunch Ingrid shows up. She sits with us and we her and we keep looking at each other. It's not a death stare or a nosey's a stare with passion. Does she like me?

At the end of lunch Ingrid pulls me to the side of the hallway. And slips me a note before moving into the sea of people rushing to get to class. I open the note and it reads
Hey Hannah.
Sorry about today. Listen, meet me at your bus stop around 3:30?
- love Ingrid.
Oh and p.s that dirt smudge under your nose is adorable as fuck by the way xoxo
I embarrass myself and wipe the dirt away. I sigh and head to my next class, science.
I walk into the class room and sit down. About 2 minutes later one of the students get up and stand at the front of the class room and put on the teachers lab coat over his green button up shirt. He does an impression of a teacher and the whole class laughs. The boy has mint green hair and black glasses.
"aaaand noooow class. The so and so goes into the so and so which then forms the part where the so and so create a so and so" he says whilst looking at the whole class. I laugh a bit too. He seems like the type of boy who everyone can be friends with.
The class quiets down as the teacher stands at the door. He sighs and says "I knew you'd be in my class. Your mum was quite the class clown too 'Tilly'"
"It's Tyler thank you. Either you call me Tyler or you call me nothing"
"Alright. Nothing"
Half the class laughs. I don't. Tyler wasn't doing the impression to be mean. He just wanted to make people laugh. "Oh and nothing, detention tomorrow lunch."
"What?!? Why?!?"
"For being disruptive in class. That's why."
"But class didn't start"
"No Tyler. Tomorrow lunch. And not a minute later."
"But sir" a voice calls out. It was Ingrid.
"Sir, class only starts when you start teaching. Tyler was trying to make people laugh. He was doing nothing wrong."
"Perhaps you'd like to join him tomorrow miss Nilsen?"
"No sir" Ingrid lowers her head. I didn't know she was in my class. I'm not complaining.

----------after school-----------
I'm on the bus home. Ingrid is at the back of the bus with Chester. She looks uncomfortable with him. He keeps forcing himself on her. I wish I had the balls go and tell him off. But I'm just a coward. I'm not scared that he'll hurt me...I'll hurt him. My uncle thought me how to really hurt someone if I needed to, and it's the only way I fight now.
After about 5 minutes I get off at my stop. I stand and wait for the bus to go. As it drives off Ingrid looks back through the window and smiles.

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