Thank God

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Ingrids pov:
Its been 1 week  since the doctor told me that Hannah will start to be able to hear me. Apparently she is now able to hear everything around her. I tell her how school has been, how my day has been. I tell her how much I miss her and love her.

I reach the hospital and walk up to Hannah's room. All the nurses know who I am because I'm practically always there. I walk into the room...
"Hey Grid"
"Hannah omg. Hannah I've missed you so much. Holy fuck. Please never do anything like that again. I love you omg" I say hugging her in the hospital bed.
"Are you okay?"
"Am I okay? Of course. Han you saved my life"
"I'd do anything for you Ingrid"
"I love you Hannah"
"I love you too Grid"

-------time skip--------
It's been 2 weeks since Hannah has gotten out of hospital. She lives with Grace and she's safe. If she's safe, I'm happy. I'm walking through the gates at school when I feel someone grab me from behind and wrap their arms around me. It scares the fuck out of me at first but then I realise it's Hannah. I hug her back and whisper in her ear "I love you"
"I love you more"
I look over to see Nash Grier and his friend Sam Pepper yelling out homophobic shit.
"Why don't you just run back to mummy?" Hannah says, a slight smirk to her face.
The bell then rings and we walk to class. We both have History together and we sit at the back. Sadly Nash walks in and keeps saying homophobic shit. The teacher walks in and yells at him
"OI GRIER. I never want to hear you saying homophobic stuff in my class again. Do you hear me? There is absolutely no bloody need for that"
"It's wrong sir"
"No it's not. OUT NOW"
Nash walks out saying
"Are you mad? Or nah?"
Mr Dillon walked over to us.
"Are you two okay?"
"Yeah thanks Mr Dillon"
"I'll make sure somethings done about him"
He goes back to teaching and class ends about 30 minutes later. Hannah and I split to go to maths. Maths flies by and we go to recess.
"Omg! Han we've missed you so much" Lilly says whilst hugging her.
Everyone sits in silence at recess.

The day went by pretty fast.
When I got home I collapsed on my bed, ugh I'm so tired. I look outside and it's slightly raining. Grace and Hannah are coming over soon. I get a text from Grace

GH: Hey Ingrid! Coming over in 15 minutes!
IN: See ya soon!

I sit around, waiting for them to show up. I finally hear the doorbell ring and I sprint downstairs.
"Hey Han! Hey Gracie!"
"Hey Ingrid" they both say
We walk up to my room. Grace said she needed to go outside for a bit because she had to take a call.
15 minutes had passed and grace still wasn't back. I look over to my desk and see graces phone.
"Hey Han?" I say with anxiety in my voice as I hold up graces phone and show it to Hannah.

Graces pov:
I walk outside and feel the hold breeze hit my skin. I will admit that I am very happy for Hannah and Ingrid. I just wish someone would love me. Most of the boys at my school are dicks. I just feel so alone.
I walk to the side of the house and put my knees to my chest. A tear runs down my face and I just feel so empty.

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