White Roses

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Ingrids pov:
It's been 2 weeks since the car hit Hannah and she has been in a coma ever since. I go to visit her every day after school. I bring her flowers and talk to her about school. Chester was expelled from school thank god.

"Ingrid?" The doctor walks into Hannah's room. "Yes?"
"Hannah should start to be able to hear things around her soon, but it might be another week until she can start to move"
"As long as she's getting better"
"She is slowly recovering. If it wasn't for her, you would've been in a worse position."
"I know. I love her"
"I can see from all the flowers and how much time you spend here" and with that he walks out of the room.

Hannah's mum has moved out and Hannah will be staying with Grace from now on.
I go and sit back next to Hannah. "Hey Han. School sucked today. Lilly, Grace, Mamrie, Tyler and I all miss you. Chester was expelled. God I miss you Han. Why did you put my life before yours? Do you love me that much? I just....I just want you to know that I love you. I would die for you any day... They still haven't found out who hit you. God when I find out I'll....ugh. I hope you like the flowers I bought in today. Whit roses were all they had. I hope you'll recover soon. Tyler is still the class clown. Lilly and Mamrie are seeing a movie this weekend. Grace and I are setting up your new room...I miss you Han..."

High School Romeo And Juliet //Hangrid\\जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें