3- big mistake

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Your outfit

"Are you gonna be ok " zero asks, as you walk to the front gates. "Zero for the fifth millionth time, I'm gonna be fine, don't worry so much, I mean I am a higher level hunter than you " you boast the ending, leaving him groaning. "I got you something " Yuki says, giving you a goodbye hug.

"What is it " you ask curiously, she hands you a box of pocky. Your mouth starts watering. "Arigato " you say, hugging her again. "Oh yeah, here " zero says handing you a box. You open the box and see some new clips. "Your the best " you say, playfully punching his arm.

"The wire is extendible " he whispers in your ear. You look at the clips and see a little hook and wire. "Thanks " you whisper back. "Y/N-chan, I'm going to miss you soo much " the principal starts cooing and hugging you tightly. "Yuki, help " you plead.

"Headmaster, no shows of affection at school " Yuki growls, pulling him away from you. "Thanks " you mouth, she giggles. "Well I better get going " you say, looking at the limo. "Be safe " they all (except for zero) yell. You wave and get into the car.

"Mukami mansion miss? " the driver asks, "yes " you answer, taking out your old clips and putting in your new ones. "We'll be there shortly " the driver says before taking off.

After the drive.

"Excuse me, but this isn't the mukami mansion " you say, getting out of the limo. You googled the mansion before you left. "I'm sorry miss, this must be the sakamaki mansion " he says, "just wait a moment " he says, fixing the gps.

You get back into the limo, but someone stops you. "Y/N " a voice yells. You get your rifle out in a blink of the eye and face it at the person who said your name. "Gah " it's yui. "Yui, what the hell are you doing out here, I could've killed you " you say bitterly.

"Well I came to see you, me and Ayato where in the garden and I " "I'm sorry did you say ayato " you ask, she nods, you smirk. "Where is he " you ask, "why I'm right here " a voice at your ear says. You smirk. "Oh ayato, I missed you so " you turn around and punch him in the face.

"Actually I didn't, I've been waiting for my chance to get you off my kill list " you say, as he goes to the ground. "Y/N " yui complains, "what he has killed lots of people and it's my duty as a hunter to execute this vampire son of a bitch " you say bitterly.

"Forgot you were strong " he says, fixing his jaw. You face your rifle at him. "Take one step and I blow your head off " you say through gritted teeth. Ring ring ring. Seriously souji, I was in the process of making a kill. You groan and get your phone.

"What " you bark. "I see you "a perverted voice says. "who's this " you growl. "The person who killed your parents " the voice answers, your eyes widen. "What do you want " you ask, your voice a little more scared. "You" the male voice answers, then hangs up.

"Y/N are you ok " yui asks, concern in her voice. "Miss, the mukami brothers are staying here and not at there mansion " the driver informs. "So I'm supposed to be here, he coulda been specific " you mumble, putting your hoodie up. "Yui help me with my luggage " you demand, she nods and happily grabs your bags.

"So why are you here " she asks, "I've been hired to be your bodyguard, during the process of the choosing " you say bitterly. "R-really, I'm sorry " why is she always apologising. "Why, you didn't do anything wrong " you say, even though she took you away from your family.

"Because, I know you like spending time with zero and this is just stopping you " she says, she has a point. "Yeah well you gotta point, but I like spending time with you as well " you say, as you open the doors. "Oi, mukami brothers " you yell, they appear.

"Hi, I'm the new bodyguard, I don't take shit, and I " you stop and look at the most annoying person on the planet. You face your gun at kou mukami. "How dare you " you growl, "excuse me miss, but would you mind putting the rifle down " the blonde boy asks, you shake your head.

"I know it was you that killed my parents, your the reason I hate my life, the reason I don't want to be anywhere but my old academy, because I'm protected there and here, only my skills will get me out alive " you bark, he looks a bit taken back.

"You mean ten years ago, as in the L/N car crash. Well well well, I must admit I was on the road that day, and I was out of control with power, whatever I did, I didn't mean to " he says kindly, you growl and pull the lever. "Your on my kill list as well " you say, looking directly into his blue eyes, but one went red.

"I'm not lying " you say, knowing exactly what that eye dose. "I know, but I like to be sure " he says with a smirk. "Um Y/N, as your client, I demand you to put the gun down " yui says, really scared. You smirk and obey, "yes my lady " you say, being forced to.

"I'll show you to a room " yui says, walking away. You glare at kou, but end up walking with her. "Don't cross me " you say, while passing him. "Wouldn't dream of it Y/N " he says, while you pass. You grit your teeth and keep walking.

Yui shows you a room. It has honey lemon walls and a king sized bed with light pink covers. "Thanks " you say, sitting on the bed. "Why do you shut your emotions away from the world " she asks, you grit your teeth. "I have nothing to show " you say, plainly.

"I see, I shall get you a uniform, school starts in a few hours " she says, you nod and lay back on the bed. "School huh, I wonder what this ones like " you mumble, looking at the ring kaname gave you. "Damn that son of a bitch " you say, getting up.

You unload your weapon bag. "Ok, one here, one here and here " you say, placing guns and other weapons around your room in well hidden places. "Ok now that that's done " you mumble, putting your clothes away. You slip a few thousand dollars in your underwear compartment.

"Ok, now I can relax " you say, looking at the door to the bathroom. "Here you go Y/N, "yui says placing your uniform on the bed. "Get ready " and with that she leaves, closing the door behind her. You look the uniform, it makes you wanna barf.

You bring it into the bathroom, with the necessary items for taking a shower. You turn the shower taps on and gently place the uniform on a coat rack. "Mm a new one " a voice says, you smirk and turn around to look at Laito sakamaki, the playboy of the family.

"Laito, care for some fun " you ask, walking towards him. Laito smirks, "of course " he says, placing an arm around your waist. You move closer to him, then grab your knife and hold it against his neck. "You know what this is, pure silver, affects any vampire " you say with an evil smirk.

"What do you want with us " he asks, you giggle and pull away. "I've been hired to protect yui, and I'm a level XXX hunter, so you don't wanna mess with me " you say with a smirk. You take your clips out and place them on the counter. "Laito, I've been given powers, get out before I'm forced to use them " you say blankly, he smirks.

"Really what kind of power " he says, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I don't know this " you say, aiming your gun at his shoulder. Bang.

The vampire that changed my life, a kou X reader. ( vampire knight crossover )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon