12- a battel to the death

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You put on your uniform. You then grab some extra wire and a bunch of rifles. "Kaname you said something about storing the, magically how do I do that " you ask, the brown haired male. "Use the ring, it'll show you " he says, walking out of the room.

You think for a moment, that the rifles are being put in a invisible bag to everyone expect you. "It didn't work " you yell, he sighs. "What are you talking about, I can't see anything " kaname says, teleporting into the room. "Oh, it must've worked cool " you say amazed.

"Hey baby " a voice says, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist. "Hey Kou, you ready " you ask, he nods. "Ready as I'll ever be Neko-chan " he says seductively. "Alright then, let's go " you say, walking out the door with Kou hand in yours.


You have been walking for hours, jokes it's been about ten minutes. "We've been walking for hours " you complain, kou looks at you. "Neko-chan, it's been about ten minutes " he says, you look shocked. "Really, my feet hurt " you say, he bends down and you get on his shoulders.

"Hey I can see the portal " you yell, "great guide us milady " Yuki says cheerfully, you giggle. "Left, then right " you command, they do so. "Ok Kou, you can put me down now " you command, he doesn't budge, so instead you have to jump off while doing a backflip for show.

Yuki gets out Artemis, it's changed, in a good way more dangerous now. You get a rifle, kou, well he doesn't get shit, kaname doesn't either, for they have magic. "Ready " you ask, they nod and we walk into the portal. When you step out of the portal you find yourself in hell literally there were bones and flames everywhere.

"Is this the vampire world " you ask, they nod. "It's creepy " Yuki says, hugging Kaname's arm. Your happy for them, but it took them about ten years. You walk up to the weirdest looking castle ever. "Damn bats " you mumble as a few goes around you.

"Couldn't we just teleport to the castle " you ask, kaname shakes his head. "Only certain abilities work here, that's my vampires prefer to live on the human plain " he says, you nod, "right " you say. You make sure you've got plenty of bullets and rifles.

Break. "Huh " you say, looking at the floor, it's got a sniper bullet in it. "Snipers, run " you yell, you and the others follow kaname cause he knows where you gotta go.

Once you finally reach the castle.

You walk up the stairs, which aren't very big. "That was quick " you mumble, "ah my toy is here, can you see Carla" damn it he already knows where here. "Hello shin " you yell, a boy then appears, he has an eyepatch. "Where's Carla at " you question, a boy with white hair then appears.

"Y/N, it's been a while " he says, "not long enough " you say blankly. "Can we get this over with, I gotta do something after this " you say, shin smirks. "Why did you leave me, you know your my favourite toy " shin asks, as you set your rifle on your shoulder.

"Cause, your not mine " you say, taking a shot. "Holy shit " you say, looking at the big yellow flower that appeared. "The ring works better here " kaname states, "uh huh " you say mesmerised. "Neko-chan, let's get this over with " kou says, you nod.

"Come on shin, don't be such a baby " you yell, he frowns. "Neko-chan, who are you calling Neko-chan, this is my toy, get your own " shin yells at kou. "Sorry but, she's already been marked by me " kou says, kissing your cheek. "Kou, now's not the time " you say, he frowns.

"I hear you've been talking to Rido " you yell, taking another shot. "Shame he died, he was a great pawn, did lots of
work " shin says, walking towards you. "Scatter, go for Carla, shins mine " you yell, they nod and go for the others. "Come on zero, where the hell are you " you mumble.

The vampire that changed my life, a kou X reader. ( vampire knight crossover )Where stories live. Discover now