Part 8

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I whispered "I love you too" and hugged him tightly.
10 minutes pass by
Leo and I were laying in my bed cuddling each other, then Leo got a little touchy. He kept pulling me closer to him and kisses me on my neck a lot, I didn't really know what was going on but I liked it and didn't want it to stop.

The next morning

Getting ready for school and went into the kitchen to get some food and seen Leo walking towards the door with his car keys in his hand, he turned his head my way when I put my bowl of cereal in the sink and made a noise.

"Want a ride?" Leo asks and I shook my head 'yes'
During the car ride Leo keeps looking at me with a cute smile.

After 20 min in the car with a smiling Leo, we finally arrived at school in the parking lot. I got out and started working towards the school, then Leo puts his hand on my hip which made it'll ok like we're dating. I actually kinda like that. We are walking through the halls and a lot of people are staring at us, pointing fingers, and talking about us. They probably think we do 'things'.

Leo walks away to go to class and I started to walk to my class. My friend Andrea comes up to me and asks "are you and that hot guy dating". Of course they didn't know he is my brother because I never talk about him or any of my family because they are boring and I don't really talk to people about my problems. I want people to think I'm strong and that nothing can bother me.

"Sadly no" I replied

"Oh ok, then I suppose you wouldn't mind  If I take him" I think to myself 'oh hell no'

"well actually we have a really close relationship and we are probably going out soon, so...... Yea"

"Oh.....okay well have fun together I guess" Andrea said with a disappointing look

Andrea and I walked off in different directions, as I was walking away I had a huge grin on my face for what I said to Andrea. I started imagining senerios of me and Leo dating and stuff, making my friends jealous and every other girls in the school but I have to admit Leo was the hottest guy in school and could get any girl he wants.

* Last hour*

Bored out of my mind while the teacher was giving us a lesson, I didn't care about the lesson so I just stared at the clock hoping me staring at it will make it go faster but that doesn't help much. I heard the classroom door creak open and everybody swing their heads towards it and Leo came walking in.

"Can I talk to Gaby for a minute please" Leo sweaty asked the teacher.

The teacher nods her head yes and I stand up from my chair and as I was walking to the door where Leo was at I could feel all the girls eyes on me and I can tell my face was a bit red. I finally make it out of the room and into the hall way and Leo grabs my wrist and takes me somewhere, where nobody is at. I look into his beautiful crystal blue eyes and he pecks my lips and I just stand there stunned at the action that he just did. I tried to play it off by asking "what did you want me for"

"Honestly I couldn't stay away from you for a whole school day so I just had to see you and also would you like a ride" he suggested

"Sure why not I mean I do hate riding the bus and all"

"Great then just meet me in the cafeteria okay"

He pulls me in for a hug and and kisses me then walks away to his class and I walk back to my class too and excited for after school and hoping the time would go by quicker so I must day dream till the bell rings. The bell finally rings and I wasn't even finished with my fantasy but oh well at least I get to see Leo and be with him alone in a car.

I made it to the cafeteria and I seen Leo and a few other guys and guessing they are his friends. I walk up to him waiting for him to notice me but his friend did.

"Hey who's this hottie?" Steve Leo's friend said to me

"Uh that's just my girlfriend guys so back off" my cheeks were flushed with pink and Leo had an angry expression on when he said that. He's seems so possessive of me and I liked it.

The rest of his friends kept staring at me and smirking and making comments about me saying that I'm so hot and Leo don't deserve me but I didn't really think I'm that hot. They probably just want me for sex that's all I'm guessing. Leo picks me up bridal style and pushed the schools front doors open with my feet and make we make it to a big truck that looks like it could find ten people and Leo sets me in the back seat and slides in next to me putting his arm over my shoulder and pecks me on the lips.

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