Part 11

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We headed back to the others, on the walk back I had my head down and aching in pain all over. I was so out of energy I wanted to pass out but i also wanna go home so tried my best to keep awake.

A few minutes pass by and we finnaly arrive and see everyone is still having fun in the water and didn't seem to care we were gone a while.

A blond headed guy came walking up the hill towards us while drying his hair with the towel he had and finnaly stops and asks "hey, where were you guys for the past like what 10 minutes or so...?"

"Ah yea sorry Steffan. We were trying to find Gaby here cuz she ran off, probably saw a snake or something (Leo chuckles at that part as too seem it was funny) but we're all good now. So how was everyone while we were gone" I honestly hate Leo's guts for lying straight to his friends face about what happened but its not like I'm going to speak up, I might get punished plus I don't wanna waste any time and just go home and rest.

"Ha well nothing much except for Evean trying to drown Calvin and shit but yea its all good" Steffan says as he smirks at the end of his sentence and glances at me.

"Hey you, what's the matter why do you looks so gloomy. Where at a lake come jump in and have fun" he's says cheerfully and offers his hand wanting me to take it.

Just as I reach out for his hand Leo grabes my arm startling me a bit and nervously says "S-Sorry but Gaby ain't feeling so good so I was gonna take her home. Mind if I take your tuck?"
I was pissed but also relieved. I want to have fun but I'm in pain so I also wanna go home. Leo probably don't dare leave me alone with him, he's too friendly so I might spill out about the event that happened minutes ago.

"Ah okay sure heres the keys (Steffan hands Leo the keys and continues talking),well hope ya feel better Gaby and hope to see you again sometime yea?" I just shook my head yes and start walking to the truck and soon Leo comes after.

I wait at the trucks door waiting for Leo to come and unlock it.

Leo comes up and pats my back. "Hey Gaby how ya doing." Then he turned away to unlock the door as if he wasn't really interested in an answer from me so I just ignore him and get in once the unlock sound comes and climb to my seat and we start driving off.

~ 10 min pass by~

Leo stops the truck right in front of the house. I try pushing the door open but it wouldn't budge.

"Um Leo can you please unlock the door?"

Leo turns around in his seat and leans in close to me and kisses my forehead.

"If you speak a word of what happened in the woods with us and Ash, (chuckles a bit) your dead meat. I will fucking kill you ha yea so let's just keep this between us okay hun"

His words sent chills down my spine but I just replied "yes I get it. I don't even plan on telling anyone anyways so calm down" after I said that Leo's face formed an anoyed look and I put my head down and say "sorry" hopeing he will forgive me and let me out. "Sure" is all he says back presses the unlock button and I didn't sesitate for a second after and I bolted out and ran for the house happy that I'm finnaly free. "If mom asks I'll be home around 11 k?" I just ignore him again and get in the house.

I slamed the door, run to my room and lock the door and curl up in my blankets, sobbing into my pillow. An hour passed by, its now 9 and I decited to get up and take a shower. I can see a lot of brusses on my back, waist, and thighs. I cried at the sight of it and it was hard to scrub my body clean cuz it hurt.

I got out of the shower, put on some clothes and lay in bed trying to fall asleep but was disturbed by mom banging on the door telling "open up please" I groan and say "no I'm too tired"
"Oh I didn't know you were going to bed this early. Well any ways do you know when your brother will be back?" I start to teir up but held it back and replied
"Uh yea he said around 11 I believe"
"Okay good night hun thanks"
"Night. I love you" then she walks away and I drift off to sleep again.

~ 11:40~

[3rd person view]

Leo comes walking in the house drunk but is very quiet and makes his way to his room and falls to his bed and passes out. The mom gets up and ready for work and heads out the door 30 minutes later. Leo wakes up from the sound of the door shutting, knowing his mom is gone and he's all alone with his sister. Leo is still quite drunk and is not in his right mind. He makes his way to his sisters room and bangs on the door yelling for her to get up for school. Its a Friday but Gaby didn't notice and gets ready for school. She heads out her bedroom and walks to the kitchen for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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