chapter 4

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It has been a few months and the village was getting ready for the young boy, Naruto's, birthday. No, not a celebration but a march of protest. It was to try and get Naruto out of the village. The hokage doesn't encourage it but the village refuses to listen, they continue to do it every year. It's one of the reasons Naruto doesn't go outside and the other is because he's scared, he's scared of the other children outside and is scared would run if the even saw his shadow.

But Naruto enjoys the day enough. His parents actually praise him on his birthday and he gets a big enough cake. "Hey Naruto" a blonde haired man opened the door, with a big grin plastered to his face "dad!" Naruto shouted and jumped into his father's arms. "So how old are you now?" the blonde man asked and Naruto looked up at him with big, ocean blue eyes, making the grown man smile "uhhh...4!" Naruto finally answered and the man smiled "that's right, and we have an extra special present for you" the man said and a red haired woman walked in "Minato put him down, let him see his cake" the woman signed and the man, Minato, laughed and placed Naruto down and he dashed to the kitchen, only to see it empty, almost diserted except for a cake in the centre and the furniture.

"Uhhhh, mom, dad?" Naruto asked and the two adults walked in "Kushina is having a child" Minato said and Naruto looked at them "but I'm a child" Naruto said and Minato laughed along with Kushina "Naruto, you're a monster, and that's all you'll EVER be" Minato said as he glared at his son as his eyes teared up and Kushina just did the same and Naruto sniffed and ran outside to the parade.

"This village is stupid" Naruto mumbled as he walked throught the street and a man came around the corner "I found him!" he shouted and the parade ran around the corner "leave!!" "just kill yourself!" the group shouted and Naruto clenched his fists. "maybe I will!" Naruto shouted and the crowd cheered and Naruto ran off to the training field and looked behind the bush ah took out a kunai knife. "Naruto what are you doing?" kyu-Cham asked and Naruto gripped the kunai "this is an awful life, the whole village hates me" Naruto sniffed and placed the blade to his neck. 

"Naruto don't you dare do this!" Kyu-Chan growled and Naruto wiped his tears "good bye Kyu-Chan" Naruto smiled sadly and the blade sliced his troath. "Naruto!!".

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