chapter 7

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A day has gone since Naruto left Konoha. He was happy and didn't care he had nowhere to go. He walked through the dessert to Sunakagure. He heard a jinkūriki was there. He wanted to meet them and hopefully he would know what Naruto feels about his village, but he also had doubts about the boy being real.

Naruto had bought a black cloak off a merchant to hide his ears and tails, which it did.

Naruto moved swiftly through the dessert and made sure nobody could see him.

As he arrived at the village gates he looked up to the sand ninja "I'm here to see a boy called Gaara," Naruto told the man. The man looked at Naruto "and who might you be, little boy?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow and Naruto took down his hood revealing his ears. "My name is not needed, just tell me where Gaara is," Naruto looked at the man who was shocked and frightened, mostly frightened of the child. "O-Of c-c-course," the man smiled nervously "I believe he is in the Kazekage's mansion, I could escort-" "Thank you, sir." Naruto nodded to the man and pulled his hood up as he walked into the village.

After wandering the village he decided to go to Gaara and greet him. Naruto made his way to the Kazekage's home. He sighed as he relised he didn't know where anyone was but he searched anyway. Moving quickly, he came upon a room, a normal room, just any ordinary room but Naruto grew increasingly more angry. He stared at a boy huddled in the corner.

The boy was about the same age as Naruto, he has spiked red hair, eyebrow less eyes with thick, dark rings around his eyes, the boy was Gaara and he had been crying which made Naruto angry. The boy turned around slowly and gulped when he saw Naruto, a small cloaked figure, in his doorway. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you," He said in a voice Kurama used when Naruto was sad. "Who are you?" The boy asked and Naruto stepped foward and took his cloak off, revealing his ears and tails. "I am Naruto, the Kyuubi's Jinjūriki."

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