Your Movie Part 2

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You felt a sharp jolt of pain and your eyes shot open. You winced as the bright light came into view.

"She's awake." You heard multiple times.
They switched on the normal light and brought the other away. "Here Y/N have some water."

"You've been in a coma for 2 days. You were in a horrible car crash and your ribs got crushed. We've fixed you up." The doctor assured me.
"Doc, how about the man that is in the waiting room?" A nurse asked.

"Bring him in." He said, after looking for your permission.

You hoped that it was Calum. You wanted to see the man that made you happy.

You shut your eyes and blinked away the tears.

Almost immediately, a hand attaches to yours and you see Calum.

He looked as if he hasn't slept. His eyes red and his cheeks puffy. "I thought I lost you." He said as he hugged you. "Cal. My ribs."

Calum pulls away and looks into your eyes.
"Why are you crying?" He asks, laughing a little as he wiped the tears away.

"The director for the Movie called." I said.
His eyes brightened with excitement.
"I-I declined the role."
Calum's eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
"Is it because.."

You gave him a small smile.
He shakes his head and takes both your hands.
"You crazy idiot." He laughs.

You gave him a small chuckle.
"You're taking that role. I don't care." He plants a kiss on your lips and leans his forehead against yours.

"Are you sure?"

"I have not seen my girlfriend for the past 48 hours. I'm as sure as I'll ever be babe."

You knew right then and there, You were the luckiest girl in that hospital.

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