I'm not okay

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School wasn't your favorite place.
It was filled with people who hated you.
People who wanted you to die.

You stepped into the building you believe would be the reason why you stopped breathing.

Regardless, you stepped in and went to your locker.

This time, you didn't look the same.
You didn't want to pretend like you were happy.

"Attention Seeker."

It didn't surprise you anymore.
In fact, it didn't matter.

You received the same shove you got everyday.

James Parker

He extends his hand, wiggling his fingers.
You kept your head low and gave him the money you had for the day and turned around, grabbing your books.
"Wow. You're giving in? What? Did you finally realise that nobody likes you?" He asked, laughing.

Raising your head, you let him and your other school mates see the black eye you got. The bruise near your lip and how your mascara ran down your cheeks.

"Thanks for telling me. I didn't realise." You muttered, running up the stairs.

You've had enough.

Running to the girl's bathroom.
You looked yourself in the mirror.

"Mom. I can't stay here anymore. I can't take it." You yelled, grabbing a razor and slicing your wrists repeatedly.

Soon, you found yourself blacking out.


"Doc she's awake."

I opened my eyes and saw a man in his 30s.
"Maam. You were brought here by a young man. he found you bleeding profusely with many cuts on your wrists and thighs. He also found pain killers in your bag. We were able to remove most of them from your system. Whoever he is, he was really worried."

Soon, the boy who sat beside you in Chemistry ran in.

"Thank God you're alright." He says.

"Calum, why'd yo-" "Well before one of us dies, i still have to tell you I've liked you since forever now right?"

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