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"Calum.. What are you talking about?" You asked, confused as you squinted at the bright screen that showed you on Skype with Calum.

"There's been pictures of you and this guy all over twitter. What the hell is that about?" He asked, anger obvious in his eyes.

"Cal. We were paired up for a project." You said, your eyebrows furrowed.

"Really? Because both of you seemed really happy. Does he even know that you have a boyfriend? Did you even bother telling him before you started? Is this really about a project? Are you cheating on me?" Calum started hitting you with many questions.

"Why aren't you answering me?"

"I'm sorry, It's 3 am and I just thought that my boyfriend trusted me. How stupid of me. Won't happen again. Night Calum."

You said, choking on tears that brimmed your eyelids. You ended the Skype call and shut your eyes, letting sleep take over you.


You woke up, your cheeks feeling like stained and your eyelids heavy.

It was 1 pm and eventhough you were angry at Calum, you promised to watch every single of his concerts while he was on Tour.

So you went on the livestream, fans saying hi to you.

"Alright, this first so-" I'm sorry guys but I just have to make a mini dedication." Calum said, interrupting Luke.

"This goes out to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N , I don't know if you're watching baby. I'm really sorry. I'm such an idiot for not trusting you. I really love you Y/N . Please don't give up on me. This one's for you babe." He says, tears sliding down his cheeks as he formed a heart shape with his hands.

You smiled at his gesture before you proudly watched as your boyfriend performed enthusiastically on stage.

After the concert, You grabbed your phone and texted him.

To : Calum

I'd be pretty upset too if I were in your position. I'm sorry for overreacting. Thanks for loving me. You did great babe. I love you, forever will. xx

And almost immediately, you received a text.

From : Calum

I just don't want someone else to make you smile more than I can. I don't want another guy to enjoy your prescence as much as I do. I love you too baby. This distance doesn't matter. I'm yours don't worry. Keep Smiling Princess. I'll be back soon , I Promise. xx


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