Chapter 13

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Scanning the dining hall, I found the light brown mop I was looking for. I rushed over to the table, sitting down by Four. I leaned close to his ear.

"I'd like to speak with you before your shift starts," I whispered.

He sat back and stared at me with a perplexed look. The more I hung out with Four, I learned that he actually wasn't that serious and intimidating. Of course he was serious about his job, but he could really cut loose.

"Privately," I rushed out.

"Okay," he responded, taking a huge bite out of his chicken strip. He stared at me as he chewed very slowly.

"Four!" I urged, moving my hands frantically around for affect.

He smirked and took a gulp of chocolate milk. "Let's head to my apartment."

I didn't know where Four lived until now. He lived on the complete other side of where I do, which kind of bummed me out. I think Four would be a great neighbor.

The layout was quite similar to Eric's. It was open with a huge window overlooking the city. Four leaned against the counter and crossed his arms.

"So what do you want to talk about that is apparently so important?"

"Well this may be a little personal," I started. "But can I see your tattoo?"

Four made a face. "Um, no."

I clasped my hands together and made the cutest face I could possibly make. "Please," I begged. "Please." I repeated this five more times.

"Fine," he finally caved in with a fierce roll of his eyes. "But only because you are an extremely annoying person, and I want to get rid of you." I stuck my tongue out at him as he peeled off the black fabric from his body. "You better not be saying this just to get me shirtless," he joked.

"Don't flatter yourself," I mumbled, staring intently as inch by inch the tattoo was revealed. I was breathless by the time he completely had his shirt removed. He glanced back at me, expecting me to say something, but I couldn't. My eyes traced every line on his back over and over again. Finally, I snapped out of it. "This is perfection."

He chuckled and slipped the shirt back on.

"No seriously. I want one like that. With all the factions and such," I stated. "But I don't want to copy you or anything... And I'm not sure how I'd hide it..." I trailed off, thinking to myself as I tapped my chin.

"Well," Four started, making me stop thinking. "You could get them all over your body. In places that no one can really see. Except for Eric and stuff."

I shot daggers at him briefly. But the idea finally registered in my brain. "That's actually a really fantastic idea!"

"Get Tori to do them. No one else," he said, glancing at the watch on his wrist. "Shit, I gotta go. Show me your tattoos when you get them!"

He shoved me out of the apartment and he rushed past me. I sighed, thinking about where on my body I'd get these tattoos.

I walked down to the shop, seeing that no one was there besides Tori and another worker, Kat. I had been working there for two weeks now, and I absolutely loved it. I usually worked in the morning and early afternoon, like today.

"Hey, Tori," I greeted, sitting down next to her at the design table. "So I want to get some tattoos, and Four recommended that you do them."

She glanced up at me. "What were you thinking?"

"I was hoping to get the factions."

She stopped drawing and fully looked up at me. "You're not what I think you are, are you?" When I didn't respond she sighed and rubbed her face. "You want a tattoo like Four's, then?"

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