Chapter 1

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Of course it would be in the middle of Winter, dead silent at midnight when Valeriya chose to drive her car in an attempt to 'let off some steam'. It never failed to help, then again, it never failed to throw her a little bit deeper into her anxiety about what life had tossed her way since the fateful day of this same night a year ago. Perhaps that was why she couldn't quite shake the feeling of nails prickling underneath her skin, or the cold kissing at her lips. Such a stark difference from the hot ones that used to take up that space.

The memory burned deep inside of her, starting a well of flames from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, she had done so much since then, but all of it was in memorium to Toni. Dedicated to her. In the time since Antonia's death, and now, Valeriya became one of the most powerful and feared women in the Northern United States. She, of course, set up her headquarters in Detroit, Toni's home. It was slowly becoming hers, too. Russia would always be missed, but she could never return. Not when the most luscious moments of her life took place there. Even today, she couldn't quite let go of what they shared, the passion she felt. At the time it was so new, and so engulfing. There was a chance she'd never feel it again, with anyone.

Valeriya remained alone to this day, keeping the company of few and far between. Reed still remained as well, rarely ever leaving her side these days. She was like Valeriya's fall back on days where she couldn't face the men and women who worked under her. They always had questions, always needed work, wondered if a favor of this or that sort could be done. Reed took the load off, and it was appreciated to a never ending degree. There was no way that Valeriya could ever repay her, and even though Reed said she didn't have to, she wanted to eventually. Perhaps she would get that chance, but for now there was much more work to be done.

The main purpose of the empire that Valeriya built from scratch was to find and hunt down the members of whatever group or family were responsible for eliminating Toni. Of course it was linked back to the Barinova family, and at this point they were at all out war with each other. Valeriya against the all mighty Ice Queen, Ms. Barinova. The name 'Black Widow' was beginning to stick to the old crone now-a-days. All of her lovers turned up dead, from what Valeriya found out from reading news sites from Russia. Reed was good at keeping her updated. The affairs of the world were at her fingertips and she was beginning to play a large role in how it panned out.

It turned out that every enemy Valeriya made was somehow related amongst the ranks. The Barinova's were in cahoots with a scientific organization that was responsible for environmental modifications and the like, apparently it garnered quite the cash flow, but she couldn't for the life of her find a connection further than that. She had spent the better part of the year, after mourning, trying to search for the one's responsible for rewriting Toni's DNA in the first place, but that was proving to be even more of a problem. They left no mark, no evidence, nothing. They were practically invisible, but she wouldn't give up, she couldn't. Valeriya had come so god damn far and she didn't plan to halt her progress now.

The enormous weight of her thoughts could've drowned her at this very moment, and she wouldn't have cared. If it weren't for her phone ringing and reverberating a buzzing throughout her car, she wouldn't have moved from that spot all night.

"Hello?" Red lips breathed into the receiver. She sounded tired and completely drained. The day had done her in, but luckily it was Reed.

"Hey, you alright? It's pretty late. I know today is... That day, but hurry home when you can. It's cold." Reed responded, sounding concerned, but it only made Valeriya chuckle a little.

"I grew up in Russia, the cold doesn't bother me." She retorted with a roll of her blue eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean." Reed shot back, laughing a little, too. "Just hurry home, I think I might've found a lead that could help us find that facility. Maybe, it's a slim chance, but it's something."

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