Chapter 6

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Written by myszkin, edited by myszkin & Crystal

-Mami speaks-

My newly domesticated human doesn't have much faith in me. She thinks that just because I have mistaken her new ear plugs for jellies I won't be able to survive in "the real world". To my defence, that was just one time and the package looked just like a box of candies, even the consistency of that invention was right, the only thing that was missing was the taste.

And what that "real world" she was talking about is, anyway? I'm alive for longer than her ten folds over I tell you and as you can see I'm all good. Though I've been naked, which apparently is a bad thing in public, but good in my opinion.

That Tomomi is one judgy mortal if you ask me. Judgy and a annoying pest but knows a lot about Australia and food which is the reason I haven't drowned her just yet. I'm kidding. I'm not drowning anyone, seriously, it's way too much effort and not enough satisfaction. Besides, Tomomi is better alive especially since I discovered that she wants to to feed me whenever she comes. She brings meals from that place that makes food for people at a cost which her parents own. It is possible that I'm only a form of energy but somehow I can still taste things. I figured that maybe it's because my nature obligates me to work out what makes people tick and what their biggest pleasures are.

Unfortunately, with Tomomi's snacks, comes the rest of her personality which include having to deal with her endless questioning. I think it is a part of that activity she said we have to do in order to get to Australia. She calls it "bonding" and asks about either insignificant informations like "What's your real name?" or something more delicate like "How did you die?," which, by the way, landed her in the lake again. Then when I try to be polite and play that game of hers by mercilessly interrogating her on the little things like her weight and why she looks a certain way, little mortal gets all red and says it's none of my business. How her weight is more of a sensitive matter than my death is beyond me. Guess it's a human thing.

Just like having clothes is, and today is the day when I will get my first set of those. Tomomi made a schedule filled with actions we have to take if we want to fly me to Sydney; for some reason she called the whole trip "Fly me to the moon project" and even sung some nonsense that started with those words but I managed to shut her up. From the many things she shouldn't be doing, singing is very high on the list. Anyway, my mortal will lent me her wardrobe, so we could go to town and get me some money. She was shocked to discover that I knew what money is and even more startled to work out that I have some. She looked as if she was sure (and kind of happy about it) that this will be one of the biggest obstacle standing between us and the travel. Guess what, I have gold and having gold is like having everything you want according to human standards. I just needed to exchange it for that funny pieces of paper, you people like so much. And I know just the place to do it.


"This is outrageous! I won't wear it!" What the hell was she thinking bringing me these clothes?! They are pink! And they have flowers on it. And it is a dress! The nerve of this little thing that calls herself a human being is just impossible. Where did she get the idea that I might even try to wear it?

"And may I ask why exactly not?"

"I won't talk to you. You're impossible to deal with." To make my statement more powerful I decided to stomp my foot just like small mortals do. In the end they always get what they want so that must be a good strategy to use on other people. Maybe I should also turn around and go back to my watery lair? That would be dramatic I think. I'm starting to like being dramatic.

"How I am impossible to deal with? I have brought you a set of clothes and some food, which by the way, was a part of my lunch so I'm going to be hungry because of you. I have promised to help you and I was the one who told you that eating ear plugs isn't the best idea! How does any of this makes me impossible one?"

Rusałka Mami travels: Adventures of Tomomi Ogawa and the Odd Water Nymph.Where stories live. Discover now