Chapter 16

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Readers, if you're still here I apologise for this incredibly late update. I hope you enjoy. Let me know in the comments. 

Written by : Crystal

Editted by : Crystal, myszkin


Mami Speaks

My human is clicking away furiously on that laptop of hers. Notes and printed pages all over her table. Least to say she's become quite occupied with a new unsavoury partner. Its name 'summer semester' at University. I don't quite understand the torture that fellow young humans like her put themselves through to get a piece of paper at the end of it all at ceremony called graduation. Who pays an exorbitant amount to listen to someone stand at the front of the hall carry on about a certain boring topic for thirteen weeks. Tomomi does, and I wasn't having it after one particular day where she gleefully invited me to her afternoon two hour torture I mean lecture session.

But she does her thing whilst I do my own. I've been capable of travelling the public transport system whilst Tomomi hits crunch time attending lectures and tutorials. I am pleased to say that my map is being populated with more neat circles, inner city suburbs yes, Manly, Bondi, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park yes! Going to places that even Tomomi hadn't set foot on before, that I am greatly proud to say and best my mortal.

"I'm going to the club tonight. Haruna is coming." I brought myself to say, as I looked at the clock. Tomomi's typing stopped. My heart skipped a beat. Only for her to flick a few highlighted pages and resume typing. I was glad Haruna had previously agreed as was quite excited about this.

"Just thought I'd let you know... I mean do you want to..."

Tomomi inhaled deeply and swung around in her chair, her eyebrows furrowed.


"I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"No Mami I've got..."

"You're coming."

Tomomi yanked back.

"I'm sorry Mami. I have to finish this stupid essay, its due tomorrow.

"Well you can finish it tomorrow. Come-"

I must have looked like a disgruntled cat for Tomomi to give me that pity me face.

"No." Along with her stern tone, she swiftly undid the red string on her wrist and tied it on mine.

"What are you doing?"

"Keeping you safe." She giggled.

"What from? I'm already dead. I don't need that. I demand you remove it this instance." I could feel it lightly roasting my wrist.

That darn human just had to do a dead knot didn't she.

Tomomi nonchalantly shrugged. "Other potential evil spirits, spells and curses, who knows. That place sounds a bit dangerous."

"I'm the predator remember and Tomomi, please, its burning ow my wrist."

Tomomi raised an eyebrow unphased by my glowing eyes.

"I'm your master. And I command you to keep yourself out of trouble, marked one." She smirked, clasping her fingers around her bite mark on my wrist. I only realised how deeply she had bitten when that mark resisted healing. That little human's magic at work...

"At a club? A haven of loosen tongues and gods know what else." I retorted. I would not let my human have the upper hand in this one.

Tomomi sighed and pinched my cheek, ow. "Fine. I'll take it off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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