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"We've got two nights left here, guys. We should do something before we go" Alex said. I'd barely spoke to her since she caught Luke and I.

"Like?" Kylie asked.

"Go partying. I heard there's a really good club not far from here"

"We should go" Kylie said. "What do you guys think?"

"Sounds fun" Rocsi said. There was little enthusiasm in her voice.

"Yeah, we haven't been out to a club in ages" Sydney said and I agreed.

"Luke, you'll come, won't you?" Kylie asked. If Luke said no it would look weird as hell. Everyone would know something was up. He had always loved partying.

"Um, yeah. I think Calum's in town, I'll ask if he wants to come"

"Fine" Kylie groaned. "But he better not get as drunk as he did last time"

"No promises, sweetheart" Luke smirked as the words rolled off his tongue. She rolled her eyes and turned away from him. All of us knew their current relationship status.


"Luke is not going to know what hit him" Sydney said as she entered my room, her eyes scanning over my outfit. "You look hot"

"Says you"

"They're all waiting on us in the lobby"

"OK, I'm ready. Let's go get drunk off our asses"

"The last time you got that drunk you hooked up with Luke"

"All clouds have a silver lining"


"Calum!" I said loudly as we got to the VIP section of the club.

"Oh my God, Maddie. I haven't seen you in so long" He stood up and wrapped his arms around me. "We need to talk later" He whispered. After Calum had been greeted by everyone we all took a seat.

"Cal and I will go get us all some drinks" Luke announced.

"I'll come too" I said and stood up, following them.

"So, Miss Medina, anything you'd like to tell me?" Calum asked as we stood waiting at the bar. "Anything regarding the man stood beside you?"

"Fuck off, Hood" Luke said.

"What? I'm curious. Rocsi told me that Alex caught you guys. Has she told Kylie?"

"Not as far as we know"

"Are you guys dating or just hooking up?"

"Currently, hooking up" I told him.

"Currently being the key word" Luke said, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him and kissing the side of my head. The guy came and took our order before leaving.

"Anyway, what's up with you and Rocsi?" I asked him.

"We've kissed a couple of times"

"You should ask her out, she'll say yes"

"I'm planning to"

"I remember when you guys were the biggest fuck boys in the school. Now look at you. You're married and you've nearly got a girlfriend. I'm so proud" I acted emotionally as I said it.

"Shut up" Luke said nudging me.

"Let's get back to the others" They nodded and we carried the drinks back.


"Where's everyone?" I slurred to Luke as I saw him sat alone in the VIP section.

"Dancing, I think" He replied before taking a sip of the drink in his hands. He patted the space next to him and I sat down. I took his glass, drinking the small amount that was left before placing it on the table. "You look good tonight, like, really good" He took one of my hands in his.

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