Chapter Eight

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                    Wind whirled and whooshed, dirt mixed with air as the magnificent snow like creature landed elegantly on the ground. Her paws similar to a feline's caught the soft dirt and she landed with a muted thud. The creatures lithe body upheld the strong snakelike tail and head of which that moved with the sudden landing. Rigid spines shot down her back and between her leathery wings. Its  smooth scaled serpent, catlike head held its perfectly placed sapphire blue eyes and twin twisting ice colored horns. Eira was small at only the size of a large griffin. I guess the fates did want me to meet a dragon today.

                    "Y-your familiar is a d-dragon?" I questioned with wide eyes.

                    "Yes, this is Eira, my familiar."Tamira said with amusement.

                     Hello, I am Eira. Do you mind introducing yourself? Said a airy voice as smooth as silk in my mind as Eira nodded and seated herself like a cat.

                     "I-I'm S-Sabella." I stuttered out in awe of the amazing creature that I had wanted to see all my life. I had always hoped to see a dragon and better yet, be picked by one. As life would have it though, I did not have a dragon familiar, but as I said before, I would never trade Rossa for anyone.

                     Hello Sabella. Chuckled the feminine voice of the dragon.

                    "Well, its best to get home soon and show you your room. The car is close by." Said my father, trying to save me from further embarrassment. 

                     "I agree, that would be best." Stated Tamira, motioning for my parents to lead the way.

                     My mother nodded and started walking over to our car. After a few feet from the red truck I realized something. Stopping, I turned to face my dad.

                      "How are we going to fit Eira in the house?"   

                     All of a sudden a sharp pain lanced up my left arm. I turned again to face Serenity as she whispered harshly, " Are you stupid? If you would ha-"

                     She was cut off as Rossa, who had been calmly waiting beside me, let out a piercing yowl. Her beautiful light ginger fur had fluffed and her mint eyes flared with anger. She let out a fierce hiss as she stalked towards my sister.

                      Stop it! I have only been here a short time, but all you have done is be rude! I let it go once, but not again. Sabella has her reasons, so just stop!  Roared Rossa in our minds.  

                     "You know nothing cat, so shut up! She is my sister, my family, not yours. She skips out on training all the time, just to laze around all day. Like she actually does anything! Then she acts stupid, expecting to get a answer, then just studying and knowing the answer already . Its unfair for everyone else! And you know what, that little lazy brat-" Serenity was cut off as someone cleared their throat.

                     "Both of you, stop that! Serenity when we get home, go to your room! Stop picking on your sister, and get in the car!" shouted mom.

                    "Yeah mom, give her the special treatment again," sneered my sister as she stomped into the truck.

                    I felt tears prick my eyes as the ordeal continued. Serenity might say this all the time, but it still hurt. Even more so she said it in front of familiar and mentor. I wondered what they thought of me now. It was funny, I thought, how something so simple, could turn something peaceful to not at all. 

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