"Who I Am"

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Hi! Well...let's not do these normal introductions you get when you read ALL those other books. This book is different, because you're in my mind...well you ARE my mind. I may have the weirdest, craziest, awkward, and WAY too many thoughts in my head but it makes me who I am. Oh yeah, right who am I you may be wondering?

My name is Evangeline Isabella Joy Chastity Moreau, and I live in San Mateo, California. I am 16 years old and a junior in high school. I have both a mother and a father, and I live with my brother who is 15 years old. His name is Emiliano Arden Kingsley Moreau but we call him Emilio so it sounds easier to say. He's a freshmen at the same high school, and I know it sucks too. I have chocolate brown eyes with natural dark brown hair in which I got done and is now.....blonde! My brother has incredible matching dark brown eyes eyes with black hair.  That means I have to deal with his bratty attitude and his dwarf face as I call it. My family is different from the others at school, my father is the Co-CEO of The Tristan Token Company. 

What is that? They basically help the homeless, those in need, and work with fundraisers and campaigns to help children and people with Leukemia. The name Tristan, is my grandfathers name who had died FROM Leukemia and my father was heartbroken. He lost his idol, best friend, but most importantly his dad. So, about eight years ago when I was 8 years old, my dad worked with his best friend Carson Hughes Flores. He's not related to us or in the family blood, but he is family to us and we call him our Uncle Carson. 

High School. Yes...nightmares, misfits, popularity, sex, bets, gossip, parties, ridiculous couples, poor janitor's closet and probably the part that everyone forgets about is LEARNING. I go to school at Melrose Bentley High School here in Half Moon Bay, yeah I would except the school to have like the name of an ocean or ship since Half Moon Bay is a coastal city in San Mateo. Above, is my house and my room is the one with the balcony right where I can see who has arrived at my house. 

I have...friends in school but they're different from your "Average" I guess you could say...group of friends. They're weird, loud, crazy, lazy, TOO much, but most importantly....mine. Yes, they are my friends and you wouldn't imagine how happy I am that I have them. They're all childhood friends which is even better because we know each other inside and out. We're a tight group of friends, and it hasn't expanded from the amount of people in it and we don't plan on expanding it. 

My mother....isn't here anymore. Yes...I said I HAVE a mother, I didn't say I live with her or see her. She left Emil and I when we were about eight and six years old, she never gave us an explanation or tell us the truth. That hell of a mom probably thought lying to us wouldn't have ANY effect on us, yet she doesn't know all the damage she's done. She's a trader, liar, and a desperate wannabe snobby housewife. What am I talking about? Well...dad told us that she left because someone out there needed her more than he did....but I heard him and her fighting the previous night....and I heard ALL that I needed to in order to say she's a worthless woman,


February 15, 2007

"Amaya....please! Why are you doing this!?!" he yelled at her.

"Coy...I just need some space and a new lifestyle." she said calmly.

"So, your husband and your adorable six year old son is what you need space from?" he asked angrily

"No It's no-"

"And what about Evangeline? That precious eight year old whose going to need her mom? The daughter you've wanted for four years! What about your baby?" he asked with his voice cracking at the end.

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