"Everyday in Hell"

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7 : 39 A.M.

Damn it...can't a girl get her sleep. Obviously not, at least that's what my alarm is telling me. Great! New day new problems to deal with, you see everyday I struggle to make it through ONE whole day at Melrose Bentley High School. There's me, a simply awkward, funny, sarcastic, italian girl.....then there's High School. Demo of hell, a nightmare you can have with your eyes open, and...reality. I got out of bed and practically dragged myself to my bathroom and did my daily routine. I took a shower rinsing my body of the weekend, I quickly dried my hair and braided it, and finally putting on  comfy maroon sweater and black skinny jeans while slipping on regular black ankle boots. 

I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs towards my favorite part of this house. I walked in the kitchen and my dad was making his coffee, I walked behind him and grabbed a yogurt and sat at the counter. While watching him when Emil came down the stairs, looking happy as ever. 

"Morning father, my dear sister Evangeline!" he said happily while making a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. My dad and I looked at each other with the same look, and looked at him while he ate his breakfast. 

"Okay...what's wrong with you?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, what did you break this time?" my dad said. I laughed and I gave him a high-five because most of the time Emiliano talks like that when he did something wrong.

"Nothing." he said while glaring at us. 

"Sure." I said raising my eyebrows and checking the time on my phone.

8 : 13 A.M.

"Oh...okay Dad, Emil, I gotta get going love you!" I said taking my yogurt with me. 

"Wait! I don't have a ride to school!" Emiliano said. 

"Seriously Emil? Dad?" I asked looking at my dad.

"Sorry hun...I have to get to a conference with a competing company." he said mumbling something under his breath.

"Please Vangeline." he whined.

"Fine come one before we're late!" I grabbed his arm and we headed outside. 

A truck pulled up with three guys in the back and two in the front seat, Emil went and sat down in the back seat with my best friend Giovanna Lyra Heidi Miller. I met her in the second grade when she was being made fun of for almost kissing Cole Bennington, but can you blame her? He was practically shoving his cheese puff lips in her face and then right when her lips touched his....he pushed her off and said that SHE gave him the cooties...what a jerk. She cried and I pushed the kid to the ground and he ate the dirt. He ended up with a fever and was continuously puking for a week, yeah...you could say I wasn't the most lady like person or a girl. 

The three guys in the trunk of the truck were Ace, Aiden, and Seth they were my best friends as well. Ace Morgan Vincent Torres and Aiden Lawrence James Torres, are the Torres Twins. I met them in the fourth grade, looks like a one afternoon detention session led us to where we are. It was only those two and me, they had messed with the ink in the printer in the Teacher's lounge and I started a food fight between a snobby rich witch and the whole fourth grade. We talked for three hours and ever since then we've been friends, and have been going to the same school. 

Seth Earnest Daniel Morris, he's not the kindest person nor a caring person. But, he's a real sweetheart deep down inside of him because of Mama Morri as his close friends call her. She always tells us how he used to make some pretty messed up waffles for her on her birthday. He cried later on but she told him she loved them and forced them down her throat and into her stomach. 

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