"Jealousy Doesn't Look Good On Me."

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"WHAT?" Aiden asked in shock. 

"That's it." Ace growled.

"She's done!" Gigi said pacing around the room. 

"DEAD." Seth replied. 

"Somebody hand me anything to throw."

"Oh! I think I brought my extra pair of nun chucks."

"Are you serious? Nun chucks? Why not an axe?!?!"  Donny asked angrily. 

"Sorry, my Dad didn't give me that in my self defense kit." Kian whined.

"Guys! Calm down, I understand that you're all angry and so am I. But that isn't going to make her stop or change her decisions, plus you guys know I would never leave you. All of you including you Summer, Syd, and Koko. You are not only my friends, you are my best friends and my family more than my actual one besides Dad and Emil." I sighed.

"Wait, Emil." Aiden said.

"Right." Sydney sighed. 

"Don't worry, the easiest solution is to not tell him." I nodded.

"Why not? I mean, you know how he is when we leave him out of important meetings like this." Kian said guiltily. 

"I know, but I'm sure he'll understand once he actually finds out."

"Ev is right, if there's one thing we all know about him is that if we can't stand or stop something he will do it himself." Donny chuckled. 

"Fine, but let's just not give him any clue or hints or else he might catch on to us." Ace sighed. 

"Okay. So what are we going to do exactly?" Dakota asked as she was sitting on the bed with Summer's sleep head on her lap. 

"We need to make sure that she doesn't get to any of us, with any of her bitchy comments and insults. If she ever talks about you or any of us you already know what to do, we defend each other one way or another. And feel free to snap at that witch as many times as you want, but try not to push her too far or else she'll expand her plan."

"That's already going to be hard for you because you know we can't be here all the time, and you hate her to the core." Aiden said.

"Let's not worry about her, I know my babe....she's a beast and she won't let anything that woman says about us or Dad and Emil get past her. She's always there for us." Gigi said with a proud smile.

"Thanks, Peaches." I whispered. 

"Peaches is one hundred percent right, I won't let say anything about you guys or about my past and the people in it. I promise all of you, she won't get away with it without be bitching out." I said firmly with a smirk. 

My friends all laughed softly at me while I just stood there acting proud of my confidence. 

"Let's do this. Together, as a family." I said and everyone came together and hugged each other. 

"Hugging? Yay!" Summer giggled sleepily making us all laugh at her tired mood. 

After a few more minutes we all walked out of my room towards the stairs, Dad and the whole Lexton family was watching all of us come down the stairs. I mean I get what they're looking at, ten teenagers coming from the upstairs in a house that only three people live in. I was the last one down as we all walked one by one towards the front door right between Dad and the Lexton family. Once I finally made it down there I watched them descend out the front door and I turned to my dad who was still with Amaya and her devil like kids. 

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