"You'll Always Have Me, I Promise."

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*Evan's P.O.V.*

As I sat in Art class I couldn't help but think about what Jet said to his mother, that's no way to talk to your mother. I know, hypocritical but I had my reasons and in the end....I forgave her and remembered who she is in my life. The bell rang and that signaled that school was over, but where was I going to go now? I can't avoid my brothers or my father for long, I stood up and left the classroom.

"Mea!" a voice shouted.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled trying to get away from him.

He caught up to me and walked by my side, Oliver was soon on my right side as well.

"Could you not?" I asked them both.

"Are you heading home?" Jet asked.

"No, I'm heading to the place I eat, sleep, and live in." I said sarcastically.

"Ooh, my babe's got fire." Oliver grinned.

"Oh hush." I scolded.

"We'll take you home." Jet said blankly.

"I'll be fine." I sighed.

"You'll be even greater if we drop you off." Oliver suggested.

"I'm serious, you don't need to." I repeated.

"Why not?" Oliver huffed.

"Because I'm not going home." I shrugged.

"No, you c-Wait....you aren't?" Oliver asked as his eyes lit up.

"No, Oli." I laughed.

"Yeah!" he pumped his fist in the air before squeezing me in a bone crushing hug.

"Can't.....breathe." I wheezed.

"Oh, sorry! Don't want to lose my babe....I want her to die of my good looks." he smirked.

"And I'm going home." I said turning around.

"No! Fine, you can die of something else other than my body." he said with a sly grin.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically.  

"So, where should we go?" I asked them both.

"Let's go to the diner we went to with your friends." Oliver suggested.

"One, you have to remember that Robin might scold you once or twice. And two, they're our  friends. Got it?" I smiled at him.

"Okay." he said softly as we just stood there smiling at each other.

Jet cleared his throat, "Can we get a move on? I don't have all day.", he said in a flat tone. 

"Then why are you still here? We could walk there by ourselves." I shot.

"I'll be in the car." Oliver said quietly as he rushed to Jet's car.

"What's your problem?" he asked rudely.

"My problem is you yelled and argued with your mother." 

"She's my mother, I can do whatever I want with or to her." he snapped.

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can. I don't understand why the hell you're so concerned about this because she's my concern, not yours." he retorted.

I thought of the memory of him questioning me as he drove me home, and how I said the exact same thing to him about Decklynn.

" I thought the same thing but I didn't do anything, and what happened? Here I am, a rude, irritant, and snappy bitch that doesn't give a monkey's ass what anyone does. She was right there in front of me and I let her slip right out of my grip, Jet." I exclaimed.

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