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*Evan's P.O.V.*

My friends all left already and it has only been two hours since I almost murdered Kammy. My brothers are all in the other sitting area in our house, it was just them and me. Even Malachi was sitting here, but Emil wasn't here because Dad told him he could go over to his friend's house. That was just a way to distract him so he wouldn't hear what was going on, even though I am going to tell him everything right after this crap is done. 

Currently, they were all just staring at me as I sat there in one chair and they sat on the other side.

"May I help you?" I asked all five of them.

Peyton came up to me and squished me in his large body, he let go and kissed my forehead before standing across from me. It did warm my heart up just a little bit, especially the smile on his face. 

"I missed you too." I chuckled.

"We have some things to ask you." Alessio said cautiously.

"Sure, shoot away." I said making a gun with my hand and pretending to shoot.

"But you have to promise to answer them, got it Ev?" Luca asked.

"I  guess." I said slowly.

"First question, were those your friends that came over today?" Peyton asked.


"Why are most of them guys?" Alessio said in a lowered voice.

"Hey! I'm interrogating here!" Peyton pouted.

"Don't go off script, before he bugs the shit out of us again." Luca grumbled.

"Guys! Focus." Malachi ordered.

"Fine......Evan?" Peyton asked. 


"Who are those people that were here when we arrived?" Peyton finished.

"The woman who gave birth to me." I said pursuing my lips.

"What? She was the guest here for two weeks?!?" Luca exclaimed.

"Yeah, and they sure are an-wait.....I never told you that they have been staying here for two weeks." I said squinting my eyes in realization.

"Crap. Way to go, Luca!" Alessio said exasperatedly,

"Who told you?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Wel-He-but he also m-...Dad." Luca sighed trying to use the right words.

"Did he tell you anything about last weekend?" I asked nervously.

"No, only what happened at the dinner and when they were here. Why?" Alessio asked curiously.

"No reason." I said before heading to the stairs but Luca picked me up and dragged me to the living room.

"I didn't do anything! Nothing happened! I'm perfectly fine, what? What're you talking about? Angry? No!" I rambled while laughing nervously.

"That was a dead give away." Malachi said in a monotone.

I sat down and I guess you could say we were having a stare down until I sighed and gave up.

"What happened last weekend?" Peyton asked.

"Nothing." I shrugged.


"Am not!" I protested. 

"Yes, you are." Luca said.

"So? What're you going to do about it?" I smirked.

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