Cara's House

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Kendall had decided to stay with Cara instead of Kylie. She wanted time alone with her best friend, though she also wanted to spend time with Kylie. When they arrived at Cara's house, Kendall began to relax. She knew Cara could get her mind off the evening out of anyone, and that's what she was hoping for.

"Cara." Kendall called for her friends help. Cara came whipping around the car, opening the door. "There you go love." Kendall couldn't help but smile at Cara's charm. She was always so charming. They stood there for a second, looking into each others eyes. Kendall had never felt so safe in her life. She felt the urge to kiss Cara, and just as she was about to, Cara took her left hand and began to head towards the house. To Kendall's appreciation. She honestly had no idea what would happen if her and Cara were to actually kiss.

Kendall sat down on the couch and Cara got her some water. She secretly hoped Kendall would have chosen to go to her house. With all the emotions brought on tonight, Cara knew that she was deeply in love with Kendall, and now wanted to tell her. She needed her to know, and tonight she felt, was the night.

As she walked over to the most beautiful woman she has ever laid eyes on, she froze. What if Kendall rejects her? What if she leaves? She decided she would wait. Besides, she's only felt these feelings for a short while, maybe they would pass.


It had been two weeks since Kendall's incident and no one was really talking about it. Kendall and Cara had spent the two weeks together, isolated from practically everyone besides the daily phone call with Kylie. Today though, they had a shoot for Love Magazine. Kendall's stitches had been taken out the night before, so covering her cut  would be a lot easier now.

Cara went to get the make up and bandaid to put on Kendall's arm. They had an hour before they had to be at their photo shoot and they needed fourth-five of it for the drive there. That left them fifteen minutes to cover up Kendall's cut.

Cara didn't go in when Kendall got the stitches removed, she didn't want to see it. But, because Kendall isn't left handed, Cara had to apply the make up and bandaid. Cara slowly unwrapped the ace bandage that was lightly wound around Kendall's wrist. Once the cut was exposed, Cara couldn't help but cry. This could have killed her best friend. This could have ruined Cara's world forever. She slowly and softly kissed the wound and then placed the band aid on it. Kendall whipped away Cara's tears and she applied the make up to make the bandaid less obvious.

When Cara felt like she did a good enough job, she stood up and held out her hand for Kendall. "Thank you. I know it was hard." Kendall thanks Cara as she stands up. "Not as hard as seeing you motionless on the ground in the bathroom." This was the first time Cara had spoken about how she really felt about the situation. "If you need to talk to me about it, you can." Kendall reassured her friend. "No, I don't think it's can." The Brit responded, tightening her grip on Kendall's hand. They walked to the car in silence.

The shoot took forever. It was a basic shoot really. Cara held Kendall, legs wrapped around her waist. They were in leotards, Kendall's was black and Cara's was grey. They looked into the camera, took a few shots and that was it, but it felt like forever. The shoot was about an hour long and by the time it was over, they were running late for their next event.

They rushed to get ready and headed to the People's Choice Awards. They weren't exactly late, but they showed up after all the other kardashians/Jenners, so technically, they were late. They shot photos together on the red carpet. Some casual and some of them hugging and being goofy. Kendall wore a jacket with her dress to hide her cut. She'd be wearing long sleeves for a long while. "Cara, can we go get drinks?" Kendall asks as they took their last steps off the carpet. "Of course love."

She's Not Just my Best Friend (CaKe Lesbian)Warning!! Read Descriptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें