Kendall's Birthday Surprise part 2

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They return to the party with no questions asked. Kendall gets called over by her mother to the stage. Everyone quits down and the music stops playing. Kris nods towards Kendall and Cara gets on the stage. "Oh no!" Kendall whispers under her breath, knowing Cara always says too much at the wrong time.

"Kendall is, how can I put this? She is one of the greatest people I have ever met. She never puts herself first. She always thinks about everyone else before she even dares to think about herself for one second. That's also why she's a horrible person. She never takes time to look at herself or think of herself long enough to ask herself if she is okay. I think that's why I'm also the best person she has ever met. I always ask her how she is, and I always make sure she is okay mentally. When she's not, it can break my heart. But, I know in the end that  my caring for her is the best thing I can do. I don't know where I would be without her. Kendall is my rock. She is my life. She is my best friend, and I love you! Thank you."

Kendall can't help but cry. Cara always finds the way to say everything and nothing at the same time. Kendall began to question why she was even worried. She knew Cara would never talk about their feelings in front of everyone. She would let Kendall tell people when she was ready. As she watched Cara walk towards her, she couldn't help but smile. She wanted to kiss her, she needed to kiss her.

As Cara approached, Kendall got more anxious, she needed to get out of here. She needed Cara, now. "Thank you!" Kendall says to her friend as they hug. Cara holds her and Kendall squeezes tighter. "Lets get out of here." Cara slowly pulls away. "But it's your birthday love, we can't just leave." "The hell we can't." Kendall smiles and grabs Cara's hand, pulling out of the crowd towards the doors.

"Where are you going?" "Khloe, not now please." Kendall begs as her older sister blocks the doors. "No, where are you going? This is your party, you can't just leave." Kendall begins to get frustrated as she just wants alone time away from everyone. "Come with me." Kendall motions towards an empty room. Telling Cara to wait for her as she leads Khloe away.

"Wow, this is very quit. What's the secret?" "What makes you think there is a secret?" Kendall knows her voice sounds shaky. "You have a tell." Kendall begins to panic. What is everyone knows her tell and they all know she is keeping a secret. "Don't worry, you only show it with me." Kendall begins to relax. "Spill Kenny!"

"Okay, okay... Umm... I don't know how to say this." Kendall's thoughts begin to race. What is Khloe judges her or something? She can't take the rejection. "Kendall it's me, you can tell me anything." Kendall smiles a weak smile and nods. "Cara and I are well, we are sort of together. We haven't really talked about it much but we have this chemistry that we..." "I know Kenny, I've known for a while you've had feelings for her. Maybe even before you did. You always acted different with her." Kendall smiles at her sister and gov s her a hug. "Thank you Khlo." "No problem really. Just know that you can always tell me anything, no matter what." Kendall nods and heads back to Cara, who is patiently waiting for her by the door. "Have fun!" Khloe smiles and winks at the girls as she rejoins the party.

As they approach the car, Kendall feels Cara pull her hand out of her grasp. She is confused by this act, knowing that the paparazzi don't care, they hold hands all the time. "What's wrong?" Kendall tries not to sound too concerned. "Nothing love, I just need my hand." Cara smiles and pulls something out of her pocket. "What is that?!" "Close your eyes and turn around. You're not driving tonight." Kendall did as she was told with no hesitation. She trusts Cara with her life, and she liked the feeling she got knowing that wherever they were going was a surprise.

Cara guided Kendall to the car, with pictures being taken from all directions. She made sure she didn't hit her head, and before closing the door she leaned over ever so slightly so she was angled away from the camera and snuck a kiss on Kendall's lips. "Cara! I can hear the cameras!" This obviously scared Kendall but Cara didn't care, she knew they didn't get a picture and they could spread as many rumors as they wanted.

They didn't speak during their drive to the mysterious place. Kendall began to get uneasy as she listened to the car whistling through the wind and the faint sound of 2000's hits playing on pandora. "Do you mind rolling up your window? I know we're live in Cali but it's November Cara, it's cold." Cara just laughs and rolls up her window. To her, it was warm compared to London, but Kendall's needs always came first to hers.

They pull up to their location and Kendall can't help but feel excited. Cara always had the best surprises. Cara gets out to help Kendall out of the car, and before taking her blindfold off Cara stops and just admires Kendall. "Hello?! I would like to see where we are at some point." Kendall's voice breaks Cara's concentration, bringing her back to to earth. "Right." The Brit says, pulling off Kendall's blindfold.

Kendall opens her eyes to a beautiful house on the beach. There is nothing but hills to the left and trees to the right. They are in complete isolation. Kendall smiles as the takes in the look of the house with an open view of the ocean. "Cara... It's so..." "I know." Cara says with a laugh. "It's perfect. Just like you have always talked about." Cara can't keep herself from smiling as she watches Kendall with steady eyes taking in the house.

"We have full access to this house for the next year whenever we want it." Kendall looks at Cara confused. "What do you..." Kendall is cut off by herself when she sees Cara is serious. "I'm renting for a year. I told the owner no one was going to officially move in, but that we wanted a discreet beach house for a while. He gave me the shortest time of a year, and I thought, what the hell." Kendall gets this huge smile on her face, and tears begin to fall. "Cara, no one has ever...." She is unable to speak. "I have... I always will Kendall." Cara says as she embraces Kendall. "Happy birthday love."

She's Not Just my Best Friend (CaKe Lesbian)Warning!! Read DescriptionWhere stories live. Discover now