Just When Things Were Getting Good

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* 3 weeks later*

Kendall wakes up in bed alone. "Cara?!" She yells, a little frightened. Cara walks in from the bathroom across the hall, looking worried. "What happened?!" She asks, walking quickly over to Kendall. "I just panicked. You weren't in bed when I woke up and it's 2am." Cara smiles and kisses Kendall's forehead. "I had to pee silly." The blonde laughs as she gets back into bed. "Well next time, pee faster." Kendall jokes as she snuggles into Cara, resting her head in Cara's neck. "Will do love." Cara says, kissing Kendall's check. "Now go back to sleep."

Kendall wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing. "Who is it?" A very raspy, but sexy, British voice asks. "It's Kylie." Kendall says, answering the phone. "Oh my god Kendall! You actually answered!" Kylie sounded distraught. "Kylie, what's wrong?!" Kendall and Kylie were always able to tell when the other was not okay. "It's Tyga..." Kendall hears screaming in the background. "Who are you talking to?! Give me the phone bitch!" Kendall hears what sounds like a slap and a scream and the call goes dead.

"Fuck!" She yells as she gets out of bed, adrenaline running through her body. Cara quickly gets out of bed and approaches Kendall worried. "What happened?!" Kendall ignores her and begins to get dressed. "Babe?! What happened?!" Cara grabs Kendall's shoulders, making her stop what she was doing. "It's Kylie! She's with Tyga and I think he hit her." Kendall begins to cry as she pictures her favorite sister, her baby sister, being abused. "I have to go help her." Cara lets go and begins to get dressed herself. "I'm going with you." She says.

"No, I don't need you..." Kendall gets cut off. "I'm going with you. If he's willing to hit her, he's will to hit you. And if he hits either one of you, I'll kill him." Cara says as her face begins to go a deep red. Kendall walks over to her and puts one hand on her face and grabs Cara's left arm with her other. "Cara..." Kendall knew of Cara's past problems with violence, but she never actually experienced it. Cara looks up into Kendall's eyes, and for a second, Kendall sees a stranger. She slowly backs away, terrified. Cara snaps back quick enough before Kendall is able to run.

"Wait!" She grabs the brunette arm,p. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you." Kendall turns around. "I just... I looked in your eyes and I didn't see you. They weren't even the same shade... They were almost black." Cara knew what Kendall meant. She had seen those eyes many, many times before. "I know love. I'm sorry, I truly am. I don't know what got into me."

Cara drives them to Kylie's place, get to them there at a record time of 35 minutes. "You really shouldn't have been going 70 in a 45 Cara!" Kendall says as Cara opens her door. "This is a serious situation Kendall. I should have been going faster."

They walk into Kylie's house to a mess. Clothes were thrown everywhere and dishes were broken. As they walk into the living room, Kendall hears crying from down the hall. "Kylie!" She yells as she takes off running towards Kylie's room. She stops in her tracks at the sight of her sister.

Kylie is completely naked, covered in blood and bruises. Her bedroom is a mess with her dresser drawers open and her closet spread across the room. Kendall grabs a shirt and sweat pants a slowly dresses her sister. She hears Cara walking down the hall and meets her at the door. "Find him!" She says, tears winning down her face. Cara looks over Kendall and sees Kylie. She nods her head and kisses Kendall's forehead. "I will!" She says, turning away to leave.

Kendall returns to dressing Kylie. "Kendall..." Kylie finally mutters. "I'm here... I'm right here." Kendall can't help but cry at the sight of her sister. "He..." Kylie try's to tell Kendall. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me." The brunette says, helping her sister sit up to move onto the bed. "No. I do." Kylie says with a struggle.

Kendall grabs her sister's hands and nods as she sits down on Kylie's bed. "He came in around 10am. He had told me last night that he wanted to talk about... Well you know." Kendall nods as she remembers Kylie in her house. "Well, when he got here, he apologized for hitting me. He said he had been beating himself up for it. That he was not raised that way. I began to believe him, but then I got a text from Gigi about Justin." Kylie had been checking up on Justin because he was still trying to get with Kendall, and was being very hostile about it. "He assumed that I was *quote on quote* cheating and hit me.  When I yelled at him to get out, he hit me again. But this time, I ran. That's when I called you. When our call went dead, hit was because he has d hit me so hard I went out cold. I woke up naked strapped to my bed with him standing at the end. I started to scream. He gagged me to get me to shut up. I didn't even realize that me house was trashed until after..." Kylie began to shake and cry historically. "Until after what?" Kendall asked, afraid of the answer. Kylie's eyes lost all their color and she looked away from Kendall, removing her hands from her sister's grasp. "Until after he raped me..." Kylie lost it and Kendall went stif. She had never seen Kylie like this, and had never thought in a million years that her baby sister would be... Raped...

Kendall grabbed Kylie and turned her towards her, putting her head in her chest. She stroked her sister's back, crying along with her. "I'm gonna kill him!" Kendall thought to herself as she felt her sister fall apart in her arms.

She's Not Just my Best Friend (CaKe Lesbian)Warning!! Read DescriptionWhere stories live. Discover now