Kendall's Birthday Surpise part 1

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It has been two weeks since Kendall and Cara's date. Cara has been in London visiting family while Kendall has been preparing for her twenty first birthday. It's November 1st, and Kendall has two more days until her birthday.

"Hey, Kenny. Is Cara coming to your party?" "I don't know Ky, she's in London right now." Kendall says to her younger sister as she gets ready for bed. Kylie has been at Kendall's for the past two weeks, avoiding as ,inch drama with the paparazzi and her family as possible. "If she doesn't come, I will have a problem." Kylie responds as she gets into Kendall's bed.

"Kylie, move over that is my side of the bed and you know it!" Kendall playfully pushes her sister to the left side. "It's not your side, it's our side. We share it." Kylie s,lies at her sister, refusing to move. "Kylie." Kendall says with a serious look on her face. "Kendall please, you know you love snuggling me." The younger one smiles at her sister. "Fine." Kendall sighs as she gives in to her sister, scooting in to her bed.

The next day is prep day. Kendall has to get everything for her party in order. "Hello, mom?" "Yes Kendall, I'm here." Kris says a little antsy. "Mom, can you focus for a second." Kendall knows her mom is busy doing something else, but she really needs her to focus on her for one second. "I am Kendall." Kris snaps back. "I'm just really busy. So can we make this quick?!" Kendall rolls her eyes, becoming for furious. "Okay, well it's about my party. Did you give out all the invites?" Kendall hears rustling on the other line. "Yes, yes I did. I sent them all out two weeks ago." "Did you send Cara one?" Kris hesitates as she thinks. "You know what, now that I think about it. I don't think I did." Kendall responds, furious with her mother. "You didn't send her an invite?! What the hell mom! No wonder she has been acting like there is nothing big going on. She's bad with birthdays mom! How am I supposed to have a party without..." Kendall hesitates. "Without my best friend?!" Kris stops the work she is doing, realizing Kendall is mad. "I don't know honey. I'm sorry, I messed up. Do you want me to call her and invite her that way?" Annoyed with her mom Kendall just says, "No" and hangs up.

The next day arrives, and Kendall is still angry with her mother. "How could she not send my best friend and invitation to my party?!" Kendall asks Kylie. "I don't know. Honestly, I would have done Cara first with the family. After all, she feels like family." Kendall looks at her sister and smiles. "Are you almost ready?" Kylie nods. "Yeah, actually, I'm done." Kylie responds as she applies her lip stick. "Okay, then let's go." Kendall grabs her sisters hand and heads for the door.

As they approach the venue for the party, Kendall begins to cheer up a bit. "This is gonna be so amazing!" Says the youngest Jenner. Kendall nods in agreement and smiles as she sees one of her best friends Taylor Swift walk in the door. "Of course, she's always first to arrive." Says Kylie as Kendall walks to great her friend.

Three hours into the party and Cara is still nowhere to be seen. "Hey Kenny, why didn't Cara here?" Kim asks her little sister. Kendall rolls her eyes. "Mom didn't send her an invite. I found out last night." Kim gives Kendall an "I'm sorry, mom sucks." look and hugs her sister. As they go to part, Kendall feels a hand go over her eyes. Kim looks up and smiles as the person puts the other hand to their lips motioning her to be quit. Kim decides to walk away and let the two be.

Without words, Kendall is dragged away from the crowd into a quit room. "I don't know who you are, but you're freaking me out." Kendall knows she's in not danger, Kim wouldn't have left her with someone she didn't know. But at the same time, who was it and why were they taking her away from everyone?

They finally stop moving and Kendall feels the person move in front of her, still keeping her eyes covered. Before she can get a word out, Kendall feels lips touch hers and familiar hands wrap around her waist, leaving her eyes exposed once again. She doesn't open her eyes as she know the touch of this person anywhere.

"Before we continue..." The Brit says as she goes to lock the door. Kendall smiles as their lips meet once again, filling her body with a tingling sensation. "I missed you so much!" Cara says in between kisses. "I missed you more." Kendall responds, trying not to moan as Cara sucks on her neck. "Hey! Don't leave a mark!" The birthday girl yells, knowing if cars leaves a hickey, they will surely be caught. "Don't worry, Kylie brought cover up." The Brit smiles as she nibbles on Kendall's ear, cause Kendall to lose all traces of thought.

Cara begins to move back up to Kendall's lips, kissing them softly but passionately before pulling away. "We better get back to your party birthday girl. Some one is gonna know you're missing." Kendall just smiles. "What? Do I have something on my face?" The Brit asks jokingly. "No, I just can't believe you made it. My mom forgot to send out an invitation." Cara smiles knowing her plan worked. "No she didn't, I told her to tell you that so you wouldn't think I was coming. It was all a part of my evil plan." Kendall slaps Cara playfully on the arm. "That's not funny! I was really pissed at her. And, I was sad because I didn't think you were coming. You make everyday special." Cara can't help from smiling at Kendall's adorable honesty. "Come on, lest go. And don't worry, there's no mark." Cara winks as she takes Kendall's hand and walks towards the door, ready to join the party fun.

She's Not Just my Best Friend (CaKe Lesbian)Warning!! Read DescriptionWhere stories live. Discover now