Natalie Turner.

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He opened his eyes,lethargically. The colors of the room he awoke in were vivid and intense,unlike his own. He felt his body float upward as his eyes opened,gazing right up at the ceiling of an unknown white room. Just inches away from it. He rolled over,hovering above the room that was filled with his mother,father,and several doctors all looking apologetic and saying how little they could do. It wasn't long until he saw himself. He looked himself right in the face,and he felt an odd emotion he couldn't put his finger on. He floated back down,gently,like a falling leaf,his feet dropping on the floor. He phased his hands into his own body,and they glided in like nothing was there. Suddenly,everything in the room blurred,and he heard a rushing sound. Everyone in the room froze,and the room's vivid colors dulled to a hollow,bleak gray.

                                                Christopher turned,perplexed,and mesmerized,to see a man,in an expensive looking black buisness suit and tie,wearing a white glove on each hand. This man towered over Christopher,by at least a foot,and folded his arms behind his back. Christopher stumbled back a few steps,stunned. The reason for this,was that this figure had no face. Only the outline of what would have been. The entity spoke to him,with six very different,indistuingshable voices,making an enigmatic,spine-tingling spectrum of tone as it conveyed it's thoughts to Christopher. "Nice to meet you. Christopher."

He instinctively said what he always say when someone calls him that.

"It's Chris," he then realized it didn't really matter,and moved on to his next thought. "What the hell is going on? Am I...dreaming?"

                              All six voices spoke in exact time. "No,this isn't a dream. This is what's in your head. No. Everyone's. This is the everchanging mind of all that has or will be created. This is what the world really is,you just have to tap into it. This is Thought. And I am a newly born manifestation,created by you,and five others. But I'm not like the rest. I'm so much more. I pulled you in here along with my other creators. How I hope you'll have time to get aquainted."

                                "Wha..?" By the time Christopher realized the enigmatic form was gone,he'd already sputtered out the question,but received no answer. He collapsed,in this bleak room,unable to sleep,struggling and fighting to sleep,but completly unable for what seemed like hours,overtaken by what seemed like hours,when he heard a strange cheerful voice,of a what sounded like a girl.

                                He stood,surrounded,in a field of beautiful gold and white flowers. Even his edged taste and preferences couldn't deny the pleasant atmosphere. He looked up,to see a brunette with short hair,chopped bangs,and a smile that gave him some sort of unfamiliar hope,in this perplexing new existence,her relatively small body covered by a dress that a flower girl would wear in a wedding. "Who are you?" They both spoke simultaneously.

                                    There was a bit of a silence as they decided which one of them should introduce themself first. The pleasant air was comforting to both of them. He spoke first,not looking her in her innocent-looking eyes. "I'm Chris." There was another silence,as she appeared to be waiting for more of an introduction. "Yeah,and...?" He made a look that told her she wasn't getting anything else out of him. "Oh,well,uhm,my name is Natalie." She pouted a bit.

                                      Geez,thought the defiant misfit,does she really expect me to talk about my feelings with a complete stranger? Whatever,I'll give her a little bit of information,then maybe she'll stop being so damn nosy. "I'm seventeen. I woke up in this place,this world,after I laid out my old man." Natalie shot back,"Laid out your dad?!" She looked like she might cry at the mention of this act. Chris nonchallantly waved it off. "Yeah,knocked him out,y'know. I wasn't really thinking about it,but I did it. I don't really regret it. My dad's an ass." She crossed her arms,and shook her head,in an melodramatic way. "No,no,no. You're supposed to love your dad,Chris,not hit him." He didn't even put out the effort to make a debate of it. He just gave her an 'I-couldn't-care-less look.' She was obviously quite offended. "And you need to watch that nasty mouth of yours when you're around me,y'know. I'm only thirteen." If he was going to be stuck with her,he'd have to lay down a few rules,he determined. "Okay,kid,look,here's how it's gonna be. I will say whatever the hell I want,and do whatever the hell I want,and you'll deal with it,because unless you wanna wander off into that out there alone,we're in this together now,and I don't know if you even come close to understanding this thing we're in,but I've got a feeling it's not all flowers and blue skies,okay?" She just looked down and sniffled,in the most pathetic way. "Alright,so let's get going," Chris said. The girl looked up at him,with a single tear in her eye. "W-why? I like it here. It's pretty." He shook his head. "Something's telling me we should go that way." He looked to his side,a small town becoming visible in the distance,the breeze lightly swaying the gorgeous blossoms. Natalie's face slowly became one of an even more upbeat cheerfulness than when she had greeted him. "Hey! Maybe there's more people there!" He shrugged. "Could be. It's worth a shot. There's got to be some way home." But the real question he was asking himself was,Do I want to go home? 

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