Hideki Ogawa.

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                                         After Faceless had taken his leave, and warped away to an unknown place, the out-of-place looking asian boy turned to the red-haired girl, but her expression turned him away. He then looked to the tall fellow, Marcus. "Hey, uh, Marc. We're all in this together now. And I feel like we should be looking around for some kind of way to get out. Or the other three voices he mentioned. That guy said if one of us could beat that Christopher guy, then we can go home,but I dunno. I don't like fighting."

                             Marcus smirked at him. "Look. I'm really not in the mood to talk to a scrawny kid like you, alright?" He scoffed, to himself, a bit.  "We've just got to find this Chris guy and beat him down. No problem. What do you think...?" He looked to the girl who'd moved to the corner of the room, leaning against the wall. "Uh, what's your name, again?"

                              "Not important. Carry on." She looked down at the ground with an agitated expression. Marcus, being the leader-type he was, decided to get everyone on their feet and headed out.

                         "Let's just go kick this guy's ass so we can get out of here,eh?" The currently nameless person in the corner, nodded making a why not? expression, kicking the only door in the room open, as the three walked out to see an inky black city, rain pelting them relentlessly, each step they were taking squeaking on the ground.

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