Gwen Andrews.

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"However, I ask that you do not chase that girl. Her name is Gwen Andrews. She's already decided her fate." He shook his head, adjusting his tie yet again. Chris was looking at the ground, his fists clenched, every muscle in his body tensed. He gritted his teeth,and as he looked up, he barreled his fist into the cordial thoughtform's cheek,sending it flying to the side. But the odd thing was, that inertia seemed to have little power compared to the power behind Chris, sending Faceless, as he was called flying into a warehouse,the wall collapsing, leaving a huge cloud of dust, and a field of debris. Natalie stood stunned as Chris yelled out at the top of his lungs, with a very audible rage, "Decided her fate?! She's already decided her fate? She doesn't know what she's doing!" 

                              The thing picked itself up,cracking it's neck, standing up straight after limply rising. "What did I just do?" Chris looked at the thoughtform, his eyes widening at the amount of force behind his punch. "Yes. Those emotions are what makes you powerful in this place. And you, Christopher Jendset, are quite powerful." Faceless walked up to the two companions, looking down to Chris with his lack of eyes,placing a hand on his shoulder.

                         "Perhaps it would be better if you did know the location of this girl. Here,I'll take you there." In an instant, Christopher and Natalie awoke in what appeared to be a psych ward, to see the lifeless body of Gwen Andrew's, lying across the bottom of two plain white bunk beds,eyes closed.

                       Christopher shook his head, turning, looking at the ground. "Too late." As he turned, and looked up his eyes met with those same pale green eyes that had so mystified him. The eyes of Gwen Andrews.

                        "But,I just saw you..." She looked at her body,biting her lip. "Didn't you see yourself too? When you made the transition?" 

                             "Oh yeah! I did. So,you passed out in here?" Natalie cut off the obvious question with another question," Why were you in here?" It was obvious to Christopher. But not to her. She was still ignorant.

                              "I was sick..." There was that same bleak look, that Chris had seen before. It prompted yet another question from him. "Natalie, could you wait in this room? I'm going to go talk to this girl for a bit." She smiled a bit, keeping a cute expression to try and convince him to let her stay. But then she let it go, and just accepted it. "Oh,okay. Go have your grown-up conversation. Psht."

                       They walked into another room, with a table in the center. It looked like a child's playroom, and had drawings done in crayon all over the walls. They sat in chairs,on either side of the table,looking into each others eyes, for a few seconds, searching for the same look they'd both been so intruiged by before. But they couldn't. Gwen was just as intruiged as Chris was, you see. She desperately wanted to know what it was that produced this look.

                               "So, why were you gonna do it?" Chris dropped his elbows on the table, and scooted in, with a bit of a concerned looked on his face. "I just...I don't know. I'm tired of looking around and seeing everything from my past. It just makes me depressed. I was already going to do it for real, before the transition. But, these memories just make it worse." Only she knew that the very room they were in was an image from her childhood. A room she'd come in to draw, every day, religiously. "Gwen." He said, with a comforting tone, uncharasteric to him. Hearing his own voice with that tone, empathy, was invariably strange to him.

                      "How do you know my name? Did you know me out there?" He shook his head. "Faceless told me. He said you'd already decided your fate." She didn't comment on it, she only looked down. "I met him,too. He said there are six of us here. He said he hoped we could find the others." Chris nodded to her,and laced his fingers over themselves, clasping his hands together on the table. "Maybe we should find them. There's strength in numbers. You should come with me and Natalie. We can find the others. Then maybe, we can go home."

                               "But I don't want to go home..." Gwen's cheek was lined with a single tear. Chris stood.    " Don't cry. I don't know if I want to go home, either. But, I'm hoping that somewhere along the way, I'll figure out if I want to go back or not." She stood as well, walking over to him, while looking up at him with her faint emerald eyes glistening slightly, as she opened her arms and wrapped them around his back,hugging him tightly. "I'm crying because...No one's ever...been like this with me."

                           He returned her embrace, for a few seconds. Once they let go of the comfort of each other's arms, they headed back out into the hallway that lead to the room they met in, where Natalie was waiting. Gwen spoke with a quiet, reclusive tone. "Could you...not tell Natalie about what I was going to do?" He looked over at her. "Of course."

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