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                                     Christopher, and his companions all stepped out of their current shelter. "Alright, guys. So, I figure if we can find Faceless and kick his ass hard enough, he'll let us out of here, eh?" Christopher was in an oddly optimistic mood as they walked out into the damp streets of the midnight city. Natalie giggled at this. "What? What's funny?" Christopher stopped walking for a minute, offended.

                            "That's dumb, Chris." Gwen cracked her first smile they'd ever seen, a very light, near- unnoticable one. He made a Tch, and carried on his way.

                          "Whatever. I'll find a way out of this lame place. I was actually okay with it until we got attacked by that freakshow. And doesn't that Faceless guy seemed pretty sketchy too." Natalie nodded to him, looking forward, all three of them stopping in their tracks, seeing the three other voices they were looking for all striding toward them, led by a tall, imposing man in a basketball player's varsity jacket.  Natalie gasped, Gwen held her ground, and Chris clenched his fists, feeling uneasy.

                     Above them, on one of the towering skyscrapers, the cobalt eyes of Abel Ricards was glaring down at the six voices, smirking lightly. He knew that this setup by Faceless could be his big break, as far as fulfilling his task of breaking Christopher went. He'd be weak after fighting these new voices. And that's when he'd swoop in an break him.

                     "I assume you're Chris!" Marcus Rivers yelled down the street to the straw-haired, rough looking guy in the torn jeans.

                     Christopher smirked at him, making a dry tone, "You assume right. What of it?" Before even saying anything, Marcus had already dashed to Chris, planting his right foot just an inch from Christopher's, slamming his fist in a straight punch into Chris's face, sending him scooting back a few inches. Chris cracked his neck back into place from his initial shock, blown back expression and looked Marcus straight in his face, smirking a confident smirk, delivering an uppercut into his stomach, that sent him back a few inches, too. They continued laying in to each other, for what seemed like an hour, trading blow for blow. Neither would give an inch. Christopher didn't even know why he was fighting. This punk just started hitting him, and he had steam to blow off. They were both beaten bloody, when Marcus drew back to fire a piston punch into Christopher's nose, firing it off, but before it landed, collapsing on the moist ground, exhausted. Christopher gasped heavily, and popped his bloody knuckles.

                           "You two wanna come at me,too?" He fell to one knee, fatigued to the brink of unconciouness.

Faceless.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora