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The entire walk to the distant city was sort of a blur to Christopher. There was a clearly beaten path,lined with the same flowers from before,their enticing and warm colors actually allowing him to crack a very slight smile. This immediately caught the attention of the small girl,travelling next to him,bouncing with every one of her dainty, girlish steps.

                                      "Hey,did you just, smile?" He shook his head at her,and a made an expression that said 'Impossible.' Christopher scoffed at this notion,but he knew he had smiled. Why he denied it,  not even after scouring his brain could he find a righteous reason. Pride? No,that's not even close to a good reason.

                         "What would someone like me have to smile about,hm? I'm walking down the road with some dopey little girl I just met,to some strange city, and I don't even know why I'm going, or what's going to be there." She pouted again,in the same way she had before.

                                         "Dopey?" She looked as if she was going to cry. Christopher couldn't believe it. This is his traveling companion. He wouldn't normally endure the mere existence of such an impudent thing, but he was feeling especially generous,despite the bleak circumstances. The bounce in Natalie's step faded.

                                   As they came upon the city,they saw several towering buildings,and bridges,all devoid of life. There were cars parked,but no one in them. The colors of the city even looked dead. A fair ways a head of them,they witnessed the most surreal image. A human form,facing away from them. Female, with long, straight dark brown hair, slender, with an arm raised. Something was pointed toward her skull. That something was a gun. Christopher showed the most emotion he'd shown in a while when he yelled to Natalie to stay there as he ran at the girl, as fast as he could. She whirled around, locking her pale green eyes into Christopher's crystal blue ones. They both stood mystified for a fair ten seconds,as she dropped the handgun onto the concrete below them, and dashed off down a backstreet.   

                   Natalie ran to him, shaken. "Hey, wh-what just happened?" Chris just stood there,seemingly frozen in place,his arms dropping to his sides,his legs going limp as he fell to his knees. He looked down the street the mysterious girl had fled into, wide-eyed. "What the hell...?"  

                             Christopher picked himself up, with an expression completly devoid and blank expression, on one knee. Natalie was also kneeling next to him, her eyes filled with curiosity. " you know her?" He didn't even look at her. But he did speak to her, in a low voice, scarcely above a whisper. "No...but..I feel like I do." He finished lifting himself up, and dusted himself off. He did feel like he knew her. Yes, it was that look in her eyes.

                    She had the same look in her eyes. The same as mine...the same...dammit. What is it? What's that look mean?  He didn't know. He wracked his brain, and he just couldn't put it together. He just didn't know, and he wouldn't, not for a while.

                             Natalie hadn't seen what the girl was going to do. She just saw a girl dash away,hurriedly. She would've been far more concerned, had she known, with the issue. But instead, she moved on to what she percieved as most relevant. "Where are we going,now?"

                           "We've gotta find her. Now. Let's go." Chris stood,dusting himself off, and started walking in the direction she'd barreled off toward, Natalie following behind him. "Why? I'm sure there are lots more people!" Her voice was incredibly cheerful, but still didn't warrant any response from her companion. He knew why. I can't let her do it.

                      "Hey,Chr-" Natalie was cut off, by the appearance of the figure in the suit from before, that adjusted it's tie upon it's sudden formation. She stepped back a few steps, having never seen him before. "H-He...doesn't..."

               Once again,all six of the entity's voices spoke in time, with different inflections. "Yes, I am aware. I have no face, I am not human. You and Chris and four others created me. I am a thoughtform. Your emotions were so strong, I was born. I am called Faceless. You two are what I have called voices, as I not only speak in your voice, you have also given me a voice, figuratively. I thank you,sincerely. My literal existence is owed to you, in part, young Natalie Turner.

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