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                                  Abel had quite a long journey a head of him if he wanted to get out of this enormous city he'd been living in. He knew his way around thought,though. He knew he could find the voices. He was in a determined state of mind. He would not fail. He had a purpose to fulfill. His body was wrapped in chains, a condition made by Faceless, to test his worthiness. He said if he could will them away, then he could finally escape the city.

                             Christopher, Natalie, and Gwen descended the stairs together, in a line, exiting the building that held the slender empty eyed-youth's memories. They all stepped out, with sorrowful expressions, even Natalie. But hers didn't last long. Her face shifted to a warm, light smile as she stopped walking down the street they had moved on to for a moment.

                            "So, guys, I've been thinking. I really want to find the others, and get home, but when we get out of here...uhmm..." The other two had stopped,too. They turned around, and looked at her. Chris took a step toward her. "Go on, spit it out."

                              "Do you think...we could be friends outside,too?" Chris laughed a bit,and shook his head, and Gwen held a plain expression. "Let's just get going." And so they did, finally leaving the city, to another field of gold and white flowers, but their color was dulled heavily and they were wilted and dying. Even the trail they were following was a dark gray.

                            "Hey,Natalie, what's up with these flowers?" Chris was curious as to why it was he met her in that field. "It's always been where I go, when I want to be happy?" She smiled, an innocent smile. "Do you like it?"

                           He looked at her, smirked a bit, and put his palm on the top of her head. "Y'know what? I kinda do. At least, as long as it's not all. Dead." She was absolutely giddy, for the rest of the walk, the bounce in her step returning.

                     The group came upon the opening a lakeside, grown thick with weeds and cat tails, the body of water glistening with emerald. The color had reminded Christopher of Gwen's eyes. But he wouldn't say something corny and romantic like that out loud. So,he bit his tounge. A long bridge seemed to extend endlessly into the water, the only thing visible off in the distance was a city with a vast black night sky expanding over it, and enormous storm clouds raining lightning down every now and again.

                           Chris was the first one to step onto the bridge, his boot making a wooden echo on the boards of the bridge, as they made their way toward the patch of darkness in the distance.

Faceless.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora