Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The next morning, everyone awoke feeling clean and ready to face the day, not knowing what was in store for them.

Eveline was the first to arise. It was normal for her because she always liked to watch the beautiful Narnia sun just beginning to peek out over the tops of the mountains. After the sky had been painted with beautiful shades of orange, red, and pink, Eveline woke Edmund up. His time at the White Witch's camp had been wasted, and with the war just around the corner, Edmund had to begin his training as soon as possible.

"Edmund," Eveline said softly while shaking his shoulder. The boy grunted and rolled over.

"Edmund," she insisted. He finally opened his eyes.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Do you want a sword or not?"

His eyes widened and he leaped off of the floor, throwing his blanket to the side. Eveline laughed softly before walking toward the front of the tent.

"Get dressed and meet me outside. We'll get you a sword, then lessons will begin. Oh, and I have a surprise for you when we finish the first lesson," Eveline said.

Edmund nodded, and immediately grabbed the bottom of his shirt. Eveline stepped outside, and a cool breeze tickled her cheek. The weather was absolutely magnificent. The sky was a perfect shade of blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight. It was like a warm spring day, and it was drastic change from the constant winter that Narnia had been in.

Closing her eyes, Eveline took in the peacefulness that was surrounding her. Her eyes popped open when she heard someone quietly whisper "Mother."

"Who said that?" she asked. Edmund stepped outside, a confused look on her face.

"I didn't say anything, and no one else did either," he said, looking at her warily.

"I-I swear I heard something," Eveline said. She looked around of a moment, then shook her head.

"Maybe it was just the trees or something. Come on Edmund, I promised you a sword."

Leading Edmund to the weapons tent, there were several possibilities for him to choose from. He lifted a heavy broadsword and almost dropped it on his foot. He glanced at Eveline before setting the sword down with a thud.

"Maybe not that one," he said before moving on to another.

The next sword he picked was much too long, and the one after that was much too short. Finally, he selected a claymore, a two handed sword with a cross hilt. It fit in his hands well, and when he swung it in a slow arc, it looked as though it had been crafted just for him. Eveline smiled, watching is obvious joy in finding a sword that fit him. She remembered when she received her first sword from her father. He had drawn wood from the dragonoak tree that had been struck down by lightning in a storm, and then he had created the hilt. The blade was a mixture of dragon scales and silver. It was one of the best swords she had ever used.

"Alright Ed, you have your sword, now let's train for an hour and then I'll give you my surprise."

He nodded and the pair walked to the sparring ring. Eveline taught him the basic defensive movements, and then a few movements that would extra good when in battle. Edmund was a quick learner, much faster than Peter, and Eveline could tell that he would become a great swordsman with practice.

An hour was over, and Eveline was excited to give Edmund the surprise. She had been planning this since she had cut him loose from the tree keeping him in the White Witch's camp. Pausing the sword play, Edmund was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Is it time for the surprise now?" He asked happily.

"Yes, let me take you there," Eveline said.

She led him down a small dirt path, just a few minutes away from the camp. At the end of the path, there was a large clearing, with a curve of the stream nearby and lush green grass growing all around.

"You didn't," Edmund said quietly. Eveline let a grin slip onto her face.

"Oh," she said, "I did."

Sticking her fingers in between her lips, she let out a sharp whistle, and Adrian came galloping over. Hugging Adrian tightly, Eveline began to answer Edmund's unasked questions.

"I saw you looking at the horses at the other camp, and when we returned you were staring at the ones here. So, I decided that you deserved to have one. You can pick any one you would like, and if they like you, you can keep him. I would advise the chesnut one over there, he's very friendly."

Edmund nodded, and walked over to him. Eveline was almost surprised with Ed's ease and utter calmness around the horses. There were all different types in the field; regular horses, talking horses, winged horses, unicorns, and more. Not only had Edmund trusted the horses not to hurt him as he walked through the ranks, he was also very careful not to offend any of them.

"Eveline," Edmund called to her.


"I think Phillip will come with us."

"Phillip?" Eveline asked, curious.

"Well, evidently he can talk," Edmund said.

"Yes, I can, and I don't like it when people call me 'horsey'" Phillip snorted indignantly. Edmund, Eveline, and Adrian all began to laugh while Phillip snorted indignantly. Walking off, they were all unprepared for what would happen next. 


I'm sorry this was so short, but the next one has more plot, I promise! Also, please don't forget to vote for who you think I should cast as Eveline!


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