Interrupted Sleep

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Turning over to bang the snooze button on my alarm I was still tired wiping my eyes I looked over at the alarm it was 9:00am, "Damn, I hissed under my breathe tossing my large zebra printed comforter back I slid out of bed stumbling to the bathroom, "fuck!" I winced as I made it to the bathroom I was still sore from that psychotic ass-hole. Once I made it to the bathroom I used the toilet then turned the shower on stripping out my brawl and panties I stepped into the hot spray. "Oh god, I moaned from the heated massage it felt so good grabbing my dove body wash and scrubbing my body down rinsing off. Suddenly I thought about what that psychotic ass hole had done. I quickly pulled my self together I refused to cry before my eyes could swelled I turned off the the shower and climbed out grabbing my towel off the the rack and wrapping it around my body.

I was still exhausted going in my closet I crabbed a grey thigh length sweater and threw it on exiting my closet I slid back in bed and grabbed my remote off my side table and turned the TV on, turning to the first 48 I laid down. They were in the mist of interogating this kid who saw his uncle get shot while he was in the car next to him. Hearing my phone vibrate I reached across to my night stand to grab my phone checking the caller it was Tara so I answered.


"Hey! girl are you ok you haven't answered your phone for vtwo days what's going on?"

"Yea, oh about that I was really tired I just needed time to sleep, but I'm fine I know I should have called you guys back between last night and today wasn't good at all."

"Why? ....wwWHAT HAPPENED?" Concern and alarm quickly laced Tara voice Liana always answered her phone no matter what she was doing."

"I was fired," I told her not wanting to tell her the truth about why I nolonger worked for Zealononi Corp. Tara had a temper and Alex would of been her victim and we would be behind bars."

"Wait a minute, he fired you? Tara questioned suspiciously as if she knew I was lying."

"I'm serious he said, I couldn't do anything right he fired me over lost files that I had nothing to do with being sent to rival companies."

"Oh wow girl, damn are you ok about this? she, asked "I'm fine I can always find a better job."

"I know thats right girl."

"Well girl let me get myself together and dress so I can get ready to search for employment." Ok well call me later I'll let Terrence and Kahlil know your ok."
"Alright I'll talk to you later."
Placing the phone back on the it night stand I curled back in bed I honestly couldn't believe I lied to my friend good thing she wasn't in my face it would of been harder, but she would of caused every problem physically to Mr. Zealononi and we definately would be going to to jail for murder plus I didn't need the stress of it all. Closing my eyes I just needed more rest I was tired of thinking and I needed relief and time to figure everything out.

Alex looked over the contract that he recently drafted taking the files from the hospital he dated the contract March eighteenth two thousand and thirteen the day Liana first was hired to the company and Forge her signature the contract was a sexual contract he Forge between the two and he didn't have to worry about forging confidentiality form because she sign that In the hospital Alex quickly went over the files and sent them to be notarized by Shain.

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