Chapter 1

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"Osmara have you started cleaning your room?" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"I'll do it in a bit!" I yelled back. It's my room I don't understand why I have to clean it if I don't want too! It's Saturday and all I just want to do is sleep in, but no my moms friend from high school is coming over, Mrs. Styles.

Mrs. Styles used to live in the same town as us 10 years ago. She and her husband got a divorce so she decided to pack up everything and move far away. Now that she's remarrying she's moving back.

"Osmara! If you don't get up in 5 minutes and start cleaning your room what is Harry going to think of you when he sees all this mess?" My mom pulled the covers off me and pointed her finger at me.

"Okay! Okay I'll get up! I'm not 5 anymore, so stop pointing your finger at me!" I said as I got up and stretched. "Wait? Did you say Harry? He's also coming?"

"Yeah it's not like Anne was going to leave her son in London. Now clean your room then take a shower and get ready! They'll be here any minute now." My mom said as she closed the door.

Harry, Mrs. Styles son, was my best friend, well childhood friend. We did everything together. We actually met in preschool. We were inseparable until his family moved to London when he was in third grade with me. It's kind of funny how I still remember him. It's been years since I've seen him.

I cleaned my room, well I mostly shoved everything under my bed and closet and jumped in to the shower. We were having a BBQ so I just put on a flower print shirt, some high waisted denim shorts and my white converse. I didn't really feel like doing anything to my hair so I just lelt it to do its own thing, which means waive curls. To finish it all up I put some makeup on, It just pulled everything together. After my room was cleaned and I was ready, I laid back on my bed and checked my phone. I had a text message from my best friend Mery.

"Guess what!?!" She texted me.

"What!:O" I replied.

"Zayn asked me out XD !!!" She texted back.

"No way!!!! Like to be his girlfriend!?!" Zayn was the bad boy from our school that did bad stuff until he met Mery. You can say Mery changed him.

"No. He asked me to walk his dog. Yes to be his GIRLFRIEND!!!:,D"

"OMG! I'm so happy for you, about time!" I texted her. "Im actually surprised he waited that long to ask you out." Everyone in the school knew they were together but not official, until now.

"Osmara, come to the living room they just arrived." My mom was so excited to see her best friend it's been years. "I' have to go, Harry's here" I texted Mery again.

"Wait? What!? Harry like curly Harry?" Mery used to be really good friends with Harry also.

"Yes!" Was the last thing I replied. I got up from my bed and made my way to my dresser. I looked in the mirror and smiled making sure I looked descent. I heard the doorbell ring and then my mom squeals 'they're here.' I'm so nervous, I don't know why? Maybe it was because I haven't seen Harry in like 10 years.

I go into the hall and see my mom hugging Anne. I look to my left and oh my gosh, I wanted to laugh. What is he wearing? I was about to laugh but my mom pulled my arm, "Harry you remember my daughter, Osmara?"

"Oh yeah, I almost didn't recognize you. You look really different." Harry said in a sleepy accent as he looked at me from feet to head.

"I could say the same." I giggled. "What happened to your curly hair?" It was obvious that he was the one that changed.

"My hair is still curly it's just that I like to part it to the side and use gel so it can stay in place. I feel very unorganized when my hair is everywhere. I like to keep it still." He said as he tired to fix his hair.

"But that's no fun! Do you ever just let it be?" I teased him.

"Um.. Yeah.. When I get out of the shower or if I don't have nothin to do the next day I just 'let it be' " he added quotation marks with his fingers. What a nerd.

"Osmara, why don't you show Harry around the house and take him to your room, while the food is ready." My mom suggested.

I showed him around the house and then outside to show him our swimming pool.

"Aren't you hot in that vest?" I asked him. He was wearing black pants, a white creamy dress shirt with a brown and creamy tile sweater vest and a brown tie.

"Yeah. It's kind of hot out here, I think my collars chaffing." Harry pulled on his collar. All I could do was laugh at him. "No shit, your wearing black pants and to top it off a sweater vest."

"Yeah...London is very different." He seemed embarrassed. Maybe I shouldn't be such a bitch and just accept him the way he is. "Let's go get something to drink so you can tell me all about London."

"Alright." His face lighten up a bit.

We made our way back to the house and got ice cold lemonade. My parents and Harry's parents were in the living room so I took him to my room. I sat on my bed and he sat on my couch. He was telling me that he got into a private school in London and they have to dress up really proper. So that explains why he dresses all nerdy. It's all he knows. As he talked more about London he would gaze at me, and I couldn't help but to stare at him. His eyes are stunning. Maybe if he didn't wear those big glasses I could see this green eyes better. "What's up with the big glasses?" I asked him. "Contacts are really expensive in London so I wear these "he explained. "Can you see with out them?" "Yeah, well sort of. I just need them to read, but I don't know I just like them."

We talked for a little bit longer, well I asked questions for a little bit longer until my mom called us that food is ready. We went outside to the porch where the food was at and sat at the table. "So Osmara how does it feel to be a senior in high school?" Anne asked me as we were all eating. I wasn't going to tell Anne that I've got senioritis and that I'm failing Math, so I just went with, "It's very fun, I have lots friends." I said.

"Well, Harry is starting on Monday so it would be really nice if you can introduce him to some of your friends." Oh hell no! I know that we're friends but my friends would eat Harry alive. He won't fit in with us. He's to nerdy.

"Uh...yeah I can do that." I struggled to smile.

Here's Chapter 1 I hope you like it. I couldn't help myself i had to do a marcel fanfic he's just so nerdy sexy(;

Please Vote and comment, give me some ideas because I really don't know where I'm going with this story lol

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